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dc.contributor.advisorWahjuni, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorSaptomo, Satyanto K.
dc.description.abstractIrrigation is a human attempt to irrigate farmland. Various efforts have been done to build the concept of irrigation. However, the real implementation may create different problems. Basically, irrigation is related with the accessibility of ground water, which gives a large contribution to increase the agricultural production. A good irrigation system that can provide water in the correct level, amount, and time is required. The irrigation system should be well planned, designed, and operated efficiently to increase the agricultural production and ease of use in their operations. This research is a part of IMHERE IPB activity on the event of strengthening agricultural research for food security and sovereignty: advanced infrastructure for food security and sovereignty. The focus of this research is the development of automated irrigation system for food production land based on the data communication using GSM/GPRS. Arduino microcontroller was used as a client with GSM/GPRS shield to communicate with the internet as the server. Soil moisture was used as the sensor to detect the water content of farmland. LED was used to represent the real actuator of irrigation. If the water content detected by the sensor is less than 300, the actuator at the client will be turned on. In the system, data collected by the sensor was immediately sent to the server. Utilizing this scheme, it was found that the average time for connecting Arduino client to the server without delay was 40 seconds. The system was also tested by giving a certain delay, where sensor data was collected every 10, 30, and 60 seconds after the previous data from client was received correctly by the server. The results showed that there was no data loss due to the communication from Arduino client to the server. Furthermore, the data delivery was not affected by the addition of delay on the system.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectsoil moistureen
dc.titleRancang Bangun Monitoring Sistem Irigasi Otomatis Berbasis GSM/GPRSen

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