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dc.contributor.advisorArdiansyah, Firman
dc.contributor.authorSangadji, Abdul Qifli
dc.description.abstractMashup is a web application that allows one to integrate information from several companies to create a new or more helpful product information. Nowadays, mobile phone that is being used as a communication tool, is also used as a navigation tool to give directions on the map from the initial position to a certain destination. The position information of various interesting tourism objects in Indonesia is very important to inform the users about the location of the desired tourism object. This research aims to develop a mobile phone mashup application for the information of tourism objects in Indonesia. Information provided includes description, location, videos, photos, hotels, news, and books of the related tourism objects. Trackpacking, Wego, Google, Flickr, and Youtube were used as the sources of information to obtain the data. Model data passing style with blackboard approach was used to merge the data, in which the source data is written to the variable which is used by the interface component to generate information that will be displayed to the user. The results of the tests performed on this application produced 90% of the successful display of information. However, the application only showed 70% level of relevance between the query and information displayed, due to the lack of data and the more specific query.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectwindows phoneen
dc.subjectTourism Indonesiaen
dc.titleMobile Mashup Informasi Objek Wisata Indonesiaen

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