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Optimisasi Manajemen Produksi Berbasis Fuzzy Goal Programming (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Minuman Ringan)

dc.contributor.advisorSupriyo, Prapto Tri
dc.contributor.advisorKustiyo, Aziz
dc.contributor.authorRindengan, Altien Jonathan
dc.description.abstractEvery company wants to regulate the production of each product in order to provide optimum benefit for the company. To optimize the benefits need to consider the cost and used production equipment. So that the objectives are not limited to optimization of profits but also consider the desire of decision makers in the company. This research will analyze production management optimization-based fuzzy goal programming (FGP). By reason of FGP consider the decision maker wishes to determine any restrictions on the objective function value that exists. Companies to be analyzed is the PT. Bangun Wenang Baverages Company (BWBC) which is a soft drink company. The objective function to be analyzed is profit maximization, minimization of working time machine, minimization the cost of raw materials, and minimization the cost of labor. In FGP models, each of the objective function is converted into the form of constraints with fuzzy membership functions respectively. For analysis of the optimal solution, FGP formed into a model such as linear programming. Further sensitivity analysis was performed after the optimal solution is obtained, to see the changes in each interval availability of resources to maintain optimal conditions. Model optimization and sensitivity analysis is a part in the decision support system for the company in its production planning. This study provides the results of the FGP can accommodate the decision-makers desires in each objective function. This model provides an optimal solution for the company based on the decision-makers desire. For PT. BWBC, the model established in this study provide an optimal solution for the company in its production planning based on the decision-maker wishes fourth objective function that is it.en
dc.subjectproduction managementen
dc.subjectfuzzy goal programmingen
dc.subjectdecision support systemen
dc.titleProduction Management Optimization Based Fuzzy Goal Programming (Case Study on Soft Drink Companies).en
dc.titleOptimisasi Manajemen Produksi Berbasis Fuzzy Goal Programming (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Minuman Ringan)

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