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Optimasi dan Analisis Interferensi Wi-Fi pada Video Streaming melalui Jaringan Bluetooth Piconet Pervasive

dc.contributor.advisorGuritman, Sugi
dc.contributor.advisorRahmawan, Hendra
dc.contributor.authorHasad, Andi
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to develop a piconet pervasive system that meets the Cisco standard for QoS video streaming value of the throughput, delay, jitter and packet loss, by performing the optimization and analysis of video streaming on the network, by utilizing the bluetooth cell phones and computers media in an condition which have Wi-Fi or do not have Wi-Fi. The stages of research are analysis of bluetooth network system, design a prototype system, audio video compression, hint track, optimization, system testing, performance measurement, and analysis of measurement results. The results showed packet loss value for all video compression on a client-server distance of 4 m - 10 m has been fulfilling the Cisco standard of QoS video streaming, where the smallest value obtained at 8 kbps data rate of 3.03% packet loss to an condition that does not have Wi-Fi, and a distance of client - server 4 m. In condition that have Wi-Fi interference, for signal strength of -78 dBm, the smallest value obtained of 4.03% packet loss, while the Wi-Fi signal strength of -58 dBm, obtained the value of 4.11% packet loss. Delay parameters of the video compression meets the QoS of video streaming in which the delay have values ranged from 0.31 - 1.81 milliseconds, while the standard of maximum delay for QoS video streaming is 5 seconds.en
dc.subjectvideo streamingen
dc.subjectWi-Fi interferenceen
dc.titleOptimization and Wi-Fi Interference Analysis of Video Streaming over Piconet Pervasive Bluetooth Networken
dc.titleOptimasi dan Analisis Interferensi Wi-Fi pada Video Streaming melalui Jaringan Bluetooth Piconet Pervasive

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