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Model of prediction for sustainability of groupers utilization in Wakatobi Marine National Park, Southeast Sulawesi

dc.contributor.advisorWiryawan, Budy
dc.contributor.advisorPurbayanto, Ari
dc.contributor.advisorWiyono, Eko Sri
dc.contributor.authorTadjuddah, Muslim
dc.description.abstractWakatobi Marine National Park (WMNP) is managed based on conservation principles namely utilization of limited resources. Currently, groupers in WMNP are exploited in large-scale. Therefore, it is required to model the sustainable utilization of groupers. This research objectives are: to analyze the condition of coral reefs, to characteristic biological parameters and biomass, to determine the fishing gears priority, to map the trade network and to arrange a model of sustainable utilization of groupers. This research use multi method analysis. The results showed that operation of the gears in catching of groupers has a different effect on destruction of coral reefs. Traps have the greatest impacts on the destruction of coral reefs and declining abundance of the number and size of groupers. The groupers caught by traps were immature at 62.5%, and only 37.5% was in mature condition. The number of groupers biomass were estimated about 11.52 kg/m2 with calculated MSY was 0.81 tons/year. The scoring analysis indicated that the priority to develop fishing gears were hekaulu hand line as the first priority, traps as the second priority and spearguns was the third priority. Then, the live groupers trade network showed that the exporters get a lot of profit from market value and production value. Finally the results of the simulation showed that fishing gears can be increased 1% per year until 2019, with numbers of fishing gear operated estimated 5165 units.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectmodel predictionen
dc.subjectWakatobi Marine National Park, Southeast Sulawesien
dc.titleModel prediksi pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan kerapu berkelanjutan di Taman Nasional Wakatobi Sulawesi Tenggaraid
dc.titleModel of prediction for sustainability of groupers utilization in Wakatobi Marine National Park, Southeast Sulawesien

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