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Analisis Pengaruh Organizational Justice (Keadilan Organisasi) Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Pada PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorHartoyo, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorDirdjosuparto, Sukiswo
dc.contributor.authorDewi, Sari
dc.description.abstractA rapidly growing organization needs to be supported with high-performance human resources. High-performance employees demands behaviors that fit with the vision and mission of their organizations so that it is necessary to have formal description of appropriate behavior as well. The entire capabilities of the employee who is an interpersonal skill that is only displayed by certain individuals who attempted to show his or her best, so that the individual has excess capacity that required in the job. In other words, these individuals show extra-role behavior. Increased employee productivity and performance of an organization must be preceded by an increase in employee commitment to the organization, followed by an increase in organizational justice. From various previous studies, it is known that employees who feel justice will generally have a high commitment to the organization and optimal organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Therefore this study aims to determine the effect of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) to the commitment of employees in an organization. The research was conducted in PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor, questionnaires used as a tool of analysis and had already given to 100 respondents divided into 10 groups of positions. Method of hypothesis test is done with Partial Least Square analysis (PLS) with all their latent reflective variable. Organizational justice measurement consists of 2 (two) types: distributive justice and procedural justice (Niehoff and Moorman, 1993). The three components of organizational commitment model and measurements from Allen and Meyer (1990) in Mahrani (2009) ie affective, normative and continuance commitment. Organizational Citizenship Behavior measurement consists of 3 (three) types: obedience, loyality and participation (Linn, 1994) in Mahrani (2009). Hypothesis test results showed that organizational commitment is influenced by organizational justice with R2 values of 0.276, while the organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by organizational justice and organizational commitment with the value of R2 of 0.361. There is no significant influence on organizational justice of organizational citizenship behavior.en
dc.subjectOrganizational justiceen
dc.subjectorganizational commitmenten
dc.subjectorganizational citizenship behavioren
dc.subjectSEM PLSen
dc.titleAnalysis Effect of Organizational Justice on Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at PDAM Tirta Pakuan in Bogoren
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Organizational Justice (Keadilan Organisasi) Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Pada PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor

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