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dc.contributor.authorAliffahrana, Raidinal
dc.description.abstractWhite oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is one of the popular mushroom that is cultivated by using the micro-climate control technology which is made in the mushroom house (kumbung), in the highlands, such as the one in Pandan Sari (437mdpl), and also like the one in the lowlands such as in Kukupu (169mdpl). Based on the observations that was held for 88 days in Pandan Sari, the average temperature measured in the incubating house was 27.4oC, while the average temperature measured in the cultivation house was 26.7oC. The relative humidity recorded in the incubation house was around 87% while the relative humidity recorded in the cultivation house was around 88%. Based on the 70-days observations in Kukupu, the average temperature measured in incubating house was 28.5°C, while the average temperature measured in the cultivation was 27.7oC. The relative humidity recorded in the incubation house was around 82%, while the relative humidity recorded in the cultivation house was around 86%. The accounted mycelial phase`s heat unit in Pandan Sari were 974.6 degree days, while the accounted heat units in Kukupu were 907.0 degree days. The accounted heat units of fruiting body formation phases in Pandan Sari were 652.9 degree days, while the accounted heat units in Kukupu were 494.3 degree days. The differences of heat unit value is quite high (6.9% coefficient of variation in mycelium phase and 24.3% in fruiting body formation phase) at both locations due to the observations that was held for every seven days so that the measured heat unit lost its resolution. The average daily temperature in Kukupu is higher than in Pandan Sari, this leads to faster development of oyster mushrooms in Kukupu rather than the ones in Pandan Sari. Faster development of oyster mushrooms in Kukupu resulted in lighter average weight than the ones cultivated in Pandan Sarien
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectthe myceliumen
dc.subjectmushroom houseen
dc.subjectoyster mushroomsen
dc.subjectheat uniten
dc.titleRespon Pertumbuhan Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) Pada Dua Kondisi Suhu dan Kelembaban Berbedaen

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