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dc.contributor.advisorHanum, Farida
dc.contributor.advisorBakhtiar, Toni
dc.contributor.authorKhotimah, Nurul
dc.description.abstractBank is defined as a financial institution that operates to collect funds from the public in the form of deposits and distributing the funds to the public in the form of credit, etc. Sources of bank funding come from equity capital, demand deposits, time deposits, and saving deposits. The funding will be used for a variety of financing, especially to the assets that can generate profits, such as credit, investment, etc. In the bank investment problem there are three objective functions, which minimize the risk assets, maximize the profit, and minimize the capital adequacy. In this work, the problems are formulated in the form of goal programming (GP) and fuzzy goal programming (FGP) and solved by using LINGO 11.0. GP method requires the decision maker precisely define the aspiration level of each objective function to be achieved. But in many cases the aspiration levels are not properly determined, they are intrinsically fuzzy. FGP method uses imprecise aspiration level for each fuzzy goal. The fuzzy goals are to be characterized by their respective membership functions. Therefore by determining the tolerance value for each fuzzy goal, each goal will be obtained at an interval specified tolerance. The goals are risk assets =707.5∈ 595,805 , profit =28100∈ 26695,29505 , and capital adequacy =118.5∈ 64.9,171.5 .en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectfuzzy goal programming.en
dc.subjectgoal programmingen
dc.titlePengoptimuman Risiko dan Profit dalam Perencanaan Investasi Bank dengan Metode Goal programming dan Fuzzy Goal Programming.en

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