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dc.contributor.advisorRusolono, Teddy
dc.contributor.authorRajagukguk, Johan Ariando
dc.description.abstractPT. Salaki Summa Sejahtera has 48.420 ha concession area on the island of Siberut. Management forest of silvicultural systems applied using Selective Cutting and Planting Indonesia (TPTI). Siberut island was set by UNESCO as a biosphere reserves in 1981 so that the impact of forest harvesting must be minimized to preserve the forest. Reduce Impact Logging is a technique that used to reduce impact of forest harvesting. This research aims to analyze an amount of forest openess and loss of carbon stocks and the relationship with harvesting volume . The research was conducted on RKT 2011 block of IUPHHK PT. Salaki Summa Sejahtera with an area of 962 ha. We conducted a 100% inventory of roads and log decks in RKT 2011 block. Forest stand density of ≥ 20 cm diameter average 76,11 trees/ha with an average volume 176,11 m3/ha. Carbon biomass of mature trees are 67,79 % total carbon biomass. Harvesting intensity of 5,80 trees/ha (47,89 m3/ha) is lower than annual allowable Cut (66,41 m3). Forest openness average of 6,45 % from main roads (0,64%), branch roads (2,12%), skid trails (3,24%), Landings (0,42%), and camp (0,03%). Forest openess is not correlated with harvesting volume (R2 = 0,38 %). Harvesting a tree needs 0,54 ha of roads and caused opened area 13,31 m2. Loss of carbon stocks are influenced by the amount of harvesting intensity (R2 = 0,98). Loss of carbon stocks that occured are 41,00 ton C/ha due to forest openness (5,05 ton C/ha), logging (30,62 ton C/ha), dan residual stand damage (5,33 ton C/ha). Crushed trees are categorized as a dead wood and reduced carbon stocks in a forest. Harvesting a tree caused loss of 0,86 ton C/ha carbon stocksen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectloss of carbon stocks.en
dc.subjectforest opennessen
dc.subjectharvesting intensityen
dc.subjectbiosphere reservesen
dc.subjectSiberut islanden
dc.titleKehilangan Cadangan Karbon pada Pemanenan Secara Mekanis (Studi Kasus Konsesi Hutan PT. Salaki Summa Sejahtera, Pulau Siberut Provinsi Sumatera Barat)en

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