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dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Radite P.A.
dc.contributor.authorMandang, Tineke
dc.contributor.authorHermawan, Wawan
dc.contributor.authorSapei, Asep
dc.identifier.issn1693 - 2900
dc.description.abstractDraft force and energy reduction during tillage operation by low energy force vibration method on an elastic spring has been developed and tested experimentally. The experiments were conducted in soil bin, 1.2 m long, 0.3 wide and 0.4 m depth and soil that used in this experiment was clay loam soil; the thickness of hardpan in soil bin was 15 cm with penetration resistance of 2.75 MPa. The depth of operation was 17 cm while the thickness of the hardpan to be tilled was 10 cm. Chisel with incline angle of shank about 35o and lift angle of about 300 was used as tillage tool. A new model of elastic spring having shape of semi elliptic was used to connect the tillage tool to a fixed structure. An electric motor 9.7 kg of mass was installing to the elastic spring. The vibration of tillage tool was caused by rotating unbalanced mass that was installed in the electric motor. The mass of unbalance mass was 0.24-0.35 kg and the eccentricity was 6.5 cm. The tillage speed was 0.158, 0.212 and 0.265 m/s. Comparing to non vibratory tillage, reduction of average draft force about 7.3-38.3 % and energy reduction about 4.8-14.4% were found.en
dc.publisherJurnal Enjiniring Pertanian, Balai Besar Pengembangan Mel?anisasi Pertanian (ICEARD), Serpong
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. IX;No. 1
dc.subjectDraft tanahen
dc.subjectgetaran paksa berenergi rendahen
dc.subjectpegas elastisen
dc.subjectmassa tak imbangen
dc.titleMenurunkan Draft Tanah dan Energi pada Operasi Membajak Tanah dengan Getaran Paksa Berenergi Rendah pada Pegas Elastis (Draft Force and Energy Reduction During Tillage Operation by Low Energy Force Vibration Method on An Elastic Spring)en

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