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dc.contributor.advisorWijayanto, Nurheni
dc.contributor.authorPurwohandini, Realita Denik
dc.description.abstractAgroforestri is one of land use system that have applied by RPH Jatirejo in order to decrease the rate of damage forest and land conflict that often occurring between the society with Perhutani. Different pattern of agroforestry system can make different response for staple crops growth. The goal of this researches are to review the combined effect of agroforestry pattern and land management system to the growth of sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria). A combination of plants on each pattern agroforestri includes: pattern AF1 (sengon, mindi, chilli, corn), AF2 (sengon, mindi, corn, cassava), and AF3 Saturday (sengon, mindi, chili, corn, pineapple). AF3 pattern has the best average growth, although have more combination of plants. It suggest from more intensive activities of fertilizing. Pattern of AF2 show the lowest average growth. In this pattern just corn that get fertilizer treatment, cassava plants while having a voracious properties of nutrient elements in particular elements of P and K so that element for staple crops could be decrease. The percentage of the closing header, width and length average headers, as well as LCR at the smallest value shows the pattern of AF2. It can reduce the absorption of sunlight to expressing the photosynthesis which can inhibit the growth of staple crops. On the ground with low pH found elements Al that will binding P element, so P can’t be absorbed by the plants. This can occur in AF2 pattern. Although AF2 have P higher than AF1, but if the soil is more sour, P elements will be absorbed more difficult by the plants. The highest overfullness basa (KB) on the AF3 pattern shows that the land on AF3 pattern is not yet occure many land leaching and show fertile land.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectParaserianthes falcatariaen
dc.titlePertumbuhan Tanaman Pokok Sengon pada Beberapa Pola Agroforestri di RPH Jatirejo, Kecamatan Puncu, Kabupaten Kedirien

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