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dc.contributor.advisorMulyani,Yeni A
dc.contributor.authorWuryani, Atik
dc.description.abstractArea of West Java’s north shore has been well-known as waterbirds hunting site. The collecting and marketing centre is located in Singakerta Village. Continuous exploitation without applying sustainability principle will cause a serious threat to bird’s population in the wild. The objective of this research was to collect and to renew data and information about waterbird hunting and trading activities for consumption, as well as to reveal the socio-economic characteristics of community in Singakerta Village. Research was carried out in Singakerta Village, Krangkeng Regency, Indramayu District, West Java between December 2011 and February 2012. Data collected were waterbird species being hunted, trading activities and characteristics of community who involved in waterbird trading. Data were collected through literature study, direct observation and structured interview. Respondents were selected by purposive sampling method, were hunters (8 persons), collectors (3 persons), bird traders (12 persons) and consumers (30 persons). There were 26 species of birds (14.225 individuals) from 11 families captured during research period. Species from Rallidae family was mostly caught (7 species). The biggest number of bird captured was in January (averaged at 308 individuals/day). Migratory species that mostly caught was Yellow Bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis) (32,57%). Resident species that mostly captured was Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) (10,20%). Bird hunting sites were including Singakerta Village, other Regencies in Indramayu District, Cirebon, Subang, Karawang, Majalengka, Central Java and even Lampung. Habitat type of bird hunting were rice fields and temporary embankment. Bird hunting basically was a side job of hunters. Approximately 47,06% of hunters use mist net for hunting and 67,00% of hunters have known about regulation on bird protected. Approximately 66,67% of fried bird sellers were residing in Cirebon area. Bird species that received less interest from consumer were Oriental Pratincole (Glareola maldivarum), Yellow Bittern (I. sinensis), Red Bittern (I. cinnamomeus), Dwarf Mouse-bird (Porzana pusilla) and Sandpipers (Tringa sp.). The deliciousness and low price of bird’s meat attracted consumers to consume the birds.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectcommunity’s characteristicen
dc.subjectwaterbird tradingen
dc.subjectwaterbird huntingen
dc.titlePerburuan dan Perdagangan Burung Air untuk Konsumsi di Desa Singakerta Kecamatan Krangkeng, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Baraten

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