Respon Produktivitas Tanaman Padi Terhadap Kekeringan di Kawasan Jawa dan Bali (Pendekatan Model Simulasi Pertanian Berbasis Spasial)
Drought is one of many factors that influence the productivity of rice crops. There are several ways to study the response of rice productivity to drought, one of them is by using Shierary-Rice model approach that is integrated with Geographic Information System. The result shows that 10% reduction in rainfall at crop area of Java and Bali will be followed by decreasing the rice-crop productivity by 5.8%. The response of rice crop productivity is also affected by rainfall patterns shown in the Oldeman climate classification. Oldeman agroclimatic zone A and B dominating Banten and West Java areas are relatively less susceptible (8% decrease in productivity every 10% decrease in rainfall) compared to the other C, D and E Oldeman agroclimatic zone (14% decrease in productivity for 10% decrease in rainfall