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dc.contributor.advisorBoediono, Arief
dc.contributor.advisorMurti, Harry
dc.contributor.authorUtami, Adkhilni
dc.description.abstractPathenogenesis is an asexual reproduction that usually happen in avertebrata. Naturally, the mammalian embryos are obtained through the fertilization process of ovum and sperm. Recently parthenogenetic embryo has started to be used in embryonic engineering research to address some ethical issues. The absence of paternal genetic material in parthenogenetic embryos, also called genomic imprinting, raises epigenetic problem. Therefore, various efforts are conducted to overcome this problem includes using of histone deacetylation inhibitor (HDACi). Parthenogenetic embryos are activated with a combination medium of strontium (SrCl2) and cytochalasin B. As a positive control of this study, activating medium was absent of HDACi; whereas the first treatment medium was added with trichostatin A (TSA) and the second treatment was added with scriptaid. The results showed that as many as 80.0% of the total embryos divided into two cells in the control medium, whereas 85.0% in the TSA added medium, and 95.0% in the scriptaid added medium. Although there is no significant difference (P>0.05) between thoose treatments, the addition of HDACi is tend to increase the activation of embryos than control, and scriptaid tent to produce better activated embryos than TSA. As many as 3.4% of total embryos were capable to develop up to five cells in scriptaid added medium and 1.8% in TSA added medium, while 12.1% in the control medium develop up to four cells. Parthenogenetic embryos which were being activated by scriptaid added medium tend to developed better than the ones being activated by TSA added medium or the control medium, although the results were not significantly different (P>0.05).en
dc.description.abstractPartenogenesis merupakan tipe reproduksi aseksual yang biasa terjadi pada hewan tingkat rendah. Secara alami, embrio mamalia diperoleh melalui proses fertilisasi sel telur dan sperma. Embrio partenogenetik mulai digunakan dalam penelitian rekayasa embrio untuk mengatasi permasalahan etika. Ketiadaan materi genetik paternal pada embrio partenogenetik ini menimbulkan permasalahan epigenetika, atau disebut juga genomic imprinting. Oleh karena itu, berbagai cara digunakan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, salah satunya dengan penggunaan histone deacetylation inhibitor (HDACi). Embrio partenogenetik diaktivasi dengan medium kombinasi strontium (SrCl2) dan cytochalasin B. Pada kontrol positif medium aktivasi tidak ditambah HDACi sedangkan perlakuan pertama ditambah trichostatin A (TSA) dan perlakuan kedua ditambah scriptaid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 80,0% embrio membelah menjadi 2 sel pada kontrol, 85,0% pada perlakuan pertama, dan 95,0% pada perlakuan kedua. Meskipun tidak berbeda nyata (P>0.05) penambahan HDACi cenderung meningkatkan aktivasi embrio dibandingkan kontrol dan scriptaid cenderung menghasilkan embrio yang teraktivasi lebih baik dibandingkan TSA. Sebanyak 3,4% embrio mampu membelah hingga mencapai tahap 5 sel pada perlakuan scriptaid dan 1,8% pada perlakuan TSA, sedangkan 12,1% embrio pada kontrol hanya mampu berkembang hingga 4 sel. Embrio partenogenetik yang diaktivasi dengan penambahan scriptaid menunjukkan perkembangan yang cenderung lebih baik dibandingkan dengan TSA dan kontrol meskipun hasil kedua perlakuan dan kontrol tidak berbeda nyata (P>0.05).
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttrichostatin A (TSA)en
dc.subjecthistone deacetylation inhibitoren
dc.subjectgenomic imprintingen
dc.titlePerkembangan Praimplantasi Embrio Partenogenetik Mencit (Mus musculus albinus) dengan Perlakuan Trichostatin A dan Sciptaid pada Medium Aktivasien

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