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Poverty and Its Reduction Policy in the Western and Eastern Indonesia.

dc.contributor.advisorHutagaol, M. Parulian
dc.contributor.advisorWinandi, Ratna
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Sri
dc.description.abstractKemiskinan merupakan salah satu masalah dalam proses pembangunan nasional. Kemiskinan di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi yaitu sebesar 14,15 persen atau sekitar 32 juta penduduk pada tahun 2009. Berbagai program penanggulangan kemiskinan telah dilakukan dan dikembangkan oleh pemerintah. Namun kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemiskinan tetap tinggi. Beberapa kelemahan dari program-program tersebut, antara lain: pertama, program yang sifatnya bantuan bukan solusi yang tepat karena hanya menyembuhkan sementara, tidak menghilangkan kemiskinan. Kedua, kebijakan diambil didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa kemiskinan bersifat homogen di setiap daerah, sehingga kebijakan pemerintah kurang mempertimbangkan keragaman penyebab dan karakteristik kemiskinan daerah. Akibatnya, program yang dilaksanakan kurang sesuai dengan prioritas penanganan dan kebutuhan masyarakat miskin setempat (TNP2K 2010). Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kemiskinan berdasarkan wilayah yaitu Kawasan Barat Indonesia dan Kawasan Timur Indonesia, (2) merumuskan kebijakan yang diharapkan lebih efektif menurunkan kemiskinan di kedua kawasan tersebut.en
dc.description.abstractReducing poverty is one of goals on the national development. In the effort of poverty reduction, government has run several programs. But, poverty is not reduced. It means that these programs have not effectively reduce poverty because it is homogenous for all regions. The purpose of this study: (1). Identify the factors that affect poverty in the Western and Eastern Indonesia, (2) Formulate poverty prevention policies in the Western and Eastern Indonesia. The methods which used are: descriptive and panel data analysis. Result of this study: (1). The are similarities causes of poverty in the Western and Eastern Indonesia, it is unemployment. (2). This study also shows that causes of poverty in the Western and Eastern Indonesia is different. Poverty in the Western Indonesia caused high population density especially in Java and Bali with education remains low and is predominately dependent on primary agricultural sector as the main source of livelihood. Poverty in the Eastern Indonesia caused lack of populations and inadequate availability of infrastructure. The difference may be the cause of poverty as proof that poverty reduction programs that are not effectively tackling poverty homogeneous. (3). Poverty reduction programs in the Western Indonesia can be done with transmigration and agro-industry business development, while in the Eastern Indonesia by increasing the number of population and infrastructure.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectpoverty reductionen
dc.subjectWestern Indonesiaen
dc.subjectEastern Indonesiaen
dc.subjectpanel data analysisen
dc.titleKemiskinan dan Kebijakan Penanggulangannya di Kawasan Barat dan Timur Indonesiaen
dc.titlePoverty and Its Reduction Policy in the Western and Eastern Indonesia.

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