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Biodiversity and Potency of Red Algae (Rhodophyta) in Coastal Area of West Java.

dc.contributor.advisorChikmawati, Tatik
dc.contributor.advisorAriyanti, Nunik Sri
dc.description.abstractGanggang merah mempunyai persebaran geografi yang luas elan lebih melimpah eli perairan tropik. Sebagai salah satu negara tropik Indonesia kaya elengan berbagai jenis ganggang. Beberapa kajian ilmiah gangang laut telah elilakukan di beberapa tempat. Sementara itu kajian bioeliversitas ganggang merah khususnya eli J awa Barat dirasakan masih kurang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap keanekaragaman taksa, menggambarkan karakter morfologi, anatomi elan struktur reproeluksi, habitat elan persebaran, menyusun kunei pengenalan taksa, dan menganalisis potensi kanelungan agar dan karagenan ganggang merah eli Jawa Bamt. Pene\itian elilakukan melalui slll-vei clan koleksi ganggang merah di lima lokasi pantai di J awa Barat yaitu Anyer, Carita, Pelabuhan Ratu, Ujung Genteng clan Pangandaran. Parameter ekologi yang cliamati meliputi tipe habitat, substrat, suhu, kuat arus, keeerahan, pH, salinitas, kaclar nitrat, clan fosfat. Sampel yang clikoleksi clibuat spesimen herbarium clengan caru clipres clengan sasak clan dikeringkan pacla suhu 65° selama 3-5 hali. Untuk awetan basah sampe\ clisimpan clalam fonnalin 5 %.en
dc.description.abstractRed algal biodiversity was studied based on morphology, anatomy, reproductive structures, and ecology. The study was conducted by surveying and collecting the red algae in five coastal area of West Java: Ujung Genteng, Pangandaran, Pelabuhan Ratu. Anyer, and Carita. Morphology, anatomy, and reproductive structures of thc spccimen were observed. Agar and carTagecnan were analyzed on seven species. A total of 49 species of24 genera and 12 fm':1ilies of red algae was found in coastal area of West Ja"a. Genera with the highest number of species are Graci/aria and Laurencia. Ujl~ng Genteng was the coastal arca with the highest species richness, while Pangandaran was the lowest. Reproductive structures were various. The cystocarps are spherical, dome or cup form and produced on the surface of the thallus, in the medula, or on the branchlet. While the tetrasporangia are formed in conceptacles, on stichidia, or in the cortex with cleavage patterns. zonate, cruciate, and tetrahedral. Red algae in West Java occupied a variety of habitats and substrates. Most of the species attached to the rocky substrates in the surf zone. The highest yields of carrageenan was obtained on Graci/aria sa/icornia and Gracilaria corol1opi!olia, while the highest yields of agar was extracted from Graci/aria spinoslLIll.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectred algaeen
dc.titleBiodiversitas dan Potensi Ganggang Merah (Rhodophyta) di Perairan Pantai Jawa Baraten
dc.titleBiodiversity and Potency of Red Algae (Rhodophyta) in Coastal Area of West Java.

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