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Addition of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria to Improve the Quality of Organic Fertilizer, Nutrient Uptake, Growth and Yield of Upland Rice and Maize

dc.contributor.advisorTjahjoleksono, Aris
dc.description.abstractPenggunaan pupuk anorganik secara terus menerus dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah. Penggunaan pupuk organik menjadi alternatif untuk mengurangi berbagai dampak negatif dari penggunaan pupuk anorganik. Namun, pupuk organik memiliki kandungan unsur hara yang rendah sehingga harus diberikan dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak bila dibandingkan dengan pupuk anorganik. Untuk mengatasi beberapa kekurangan dari pupuk organik, salah satu usaha yang ditempuh adalah memanfaatkan biofertilizer atau pupuk hayati. Pupuk hayati merupakan salah satu pupuk alternatif yang dapat meningkatkan serapan hara, pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas pupuk organik yang diperkaya dengan pupuk hayati dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk organik yang diperkaya tersebut terhadap serapan hara, pertumbuhan serta produksi tanaman padi gogo dan jagung. Penelitian dilakukan di lahan Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat.en
dc.description.abstractBiofertilizer is one of the alternative fertilizers that can increase nutrient uptake, plant growth and production. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of organic fertilizer (compost) enriched with bofertilizer and its effect on nutrient uptake, growth and yield of upland rice and maize. This experiment was conducted using a Randomized Block Design with two factors of treatment. The first factor was organic fertilizer that consist of three levels: compost without biofertilizer as a control, compost enriched with biofertilizer, compost and biofertilizer applied separately on the day of planting. The second factor was the anorganic fertilizer consisting 2 levels: 50% and 100% of recommended doses. The upland rice var Situbagendit and maize var Bisma were grown on the field condition. The bacteria used as biofertilizer were Bacillus subtilis strain HU48, Pseudomonas beteli strain ATCC1986IT, Azotobacter sp. strain HY1141, dan Azospirillum sp. strain NS01. The compost enriched with biofertilizer had the best effect on most variables observed including nutriet uptake, growth, biomass, and production of both crops. This enriched compost increased macro and micro elements uptake of upland rice and maize. This treatment increased the production of upland rice up to 73% while the maize production increased up to 38%. Anorganic fertilizer increased significantly the macro nutrient uptake in upland rice but not in maize. In comparison with 50% dose of anorganic fertilizer, 100% dose anorganic fertilizer increased the plant growth and yield of upland rice and maize. However, this increase was not significant. The best treatment was showed by compost enriched with biofertilizer that was combined with 100% anorganic fertilizer. This treatment increased grain weight up to 109,28% of upland rice, and seed weight up to 41,18% of maize compared to control.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectorganic fertilizer qualityen
dc.subjectnutrient uptakeen
dc.titlePenambahan Mikroba Pemacu Tumbuh untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pupuk Organik, Serapan Hara, Pertumbuhan serta Produksi Padi Gogo dan Jagungen
dc.titleAddition of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria to Improve the Quality of Organic Fertilizer, Nutrient Uptake, Growth and Yield of Upland Rice and Maize

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