Browsing Nutritional Sciencies and Feed Technology by Title
Now showing items 82-101 of 221
Legumes Wafer for Inprovement The Post-Weaning Etawah Crossbreed Goats Performance
(2016-10)This research aimed to evaluate the effect of feeding legumes wafer to improve the performanceof post weaning Etawah Crossbreed goats. The research was designed using completely randomized block with 4 treatments and 4 ... -
Lipid Protection of Several Indonesian Feeds Toward Production of Healthier Meat
(2008)An experiment had been conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of lipid protection of several Indonesian feeds from rumen microbial attacked (jydrogenation) using formaldehyde. The experiment used the randomized ... -
Manfaat Suplementasi Daun Bangun - Bangun (Coleus amboinicus L.) dan Kombinasi Zinc - Vitamin E dalam Ransum Basal terhadap Fermentasi Rumen In Vitro Kambing Peranakan Etawa
(2009)The objective of the research is to examine Coleus amboinicus Lour supplementation affect in basal ration on in vitro rumen fermentation as basic information of etawa crossbred rumen bioprocess. Six treatments were incubated ... -
Metabolizable Energy Valueof-The Diets Containing Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) and Enzyme on The Kampongı Chicken at Nine Weeks Old
(2009)Kampong chicken is a local chicken rhat domesticated in Indonesia. It was a domestication's result from jungle fowl that domesticated in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Srilangka and Semenanjung Melayu:Kampong chickens are ... -
Modifikasi biohidrogenasi rumen dan suplementasi sumber asam lemak linoleat untuk produksi susu kaya CLA
(2023-12)Masyarakat kini kian sadar dengan kesehatan salah satunya dengan mengkonsumsi pangan fungsional. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) adalah senyawa bioaktif yang dilaporkan mampu menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker, mencegah ... -
Mule Ducks PerforrnanceeFed.Cessava Leaf Meal in The Diets
(2009)The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of feeding prognun of crossbreed kedu chicken and arab chicken base on different level of energy and protein in the diet Sixty day old chicken (DOC) were used in ... -
Neraca Protein dan Ekskresi Derivat Purin di Urin pada Kambing Peranakan Etawah Laktasi yang diberi Pakan Limbah Tempe
(2002)The aim of this study was to evaluate the protein balance and purine derivatives of urinB1y excretion on lactating Btawah crossbred goats fed with tempe waste. Sixteen first lactating animals were nmdomly allotted intofour ... -
Nutritional Evaluation of Cassabio in The Ration of Local Lambs
(2016-04)The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Cassabio inclusion in concentrate :m performance of local lambs. Twelve thin tailed lambs, aged 6 - 8 months with an average BW 13-1 I:) kg, were divided into four ... -
Nutritional properties of three different origins of indonesian jatropha (jatropha curcas) meal for ruminant
(2009)An experiment to explore the nutrition properties of Indonesian Jatropha curcU,f; mealfor ruminant ha..been conducted Three differem originsofIndonesianJatropha(LAmpung, Kebumen andLombok)have been investigated for their ... -
Optimasi Produksi Susu pada Usaha Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Pangalengan, Jawa Barat
(1985)The use of Cobb-Douglass production function to demonstrate the analysis of technical and economic efficiency in traditional dairy farms in Pengalengan had empirical result as follows: optimal input combination of forages ... -
Pemanfaatan bahan baku lokal untuk industri pakan monyet (maccaca fascicularis) sebagai pengganti pakan import
(2000)An experiment was conducted at the Primate Research Center from March till June 1999. The purpose of this experiment was to compare imported diet to the local ones and to study the effect of its performances on long tail ... -
Pemanfaatan Bungkil Biji Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas) Terfermentasi sebagai Pakan Ayam Kampung
(2010)Jatropha curcas meal (JCM) is very potential as protein source for poultry. The JCM contained high crude protein, i.e. 56,4-63,8% (without hull) and 22,39-31;41% (hulled JCM). JCM serves as a highly nutritious and economic ... -
Pembentukan Blastosit Secara Fertilisasi In Vitro pada Sapi dari Bangsa dan Konsentrasi Sperma yang Berbeda
(2000)The aim of this research was to asses the influences of cattle breeds and spenn concentrations in producing blastocyst. This research was conducted at The National Livestock Embryo Center, Cipelang, Bogor, from March to ... -
Pemberian Nanokalsium pada Kambing Peranakan Etawah Laktasi terhadap Neraca Kalsium
(2014)Nanotechnology was developed began 21st century and was used in industry. Nanoparticle is one of model nanotechnology product, like nanocalcium. Nanocalcium supplementation in animal model growing rat could improve the ...