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Charactheristics of Private Forest Management and Suitable Land Analyze for Private Forest Development in Bima District

dc.contributor.advisorSaleh, Muhamad Buce
dc.contributor.authorSilamon, Rato Firdaus
dc.description.abstractHutan rakyat dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif solusi penanganan masalah defisit kayu dan pemanfaatan lahan kritis. Di sisi lain, target pembangunan dan pengembangan hutan rakyat sering kali tidak berhasil dan menemui jalan buntu. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena perencanaan yang tidak optimal dan masih lemahnya basis data yang diperlukan dalam perencanaan pengembangan hutan rakyat itu sendiri. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis mencoba membangun basis data terkait pengelolaan hutan rakyat di Kabupaten Bima, dengan jalan mengungkap bagaimana karakteristik dan praktek pengelolaannya, termasuk mengetahui apakah hutan rakyat layak untuk diusahakan dari segi bisnis, mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi masyarakat untuk masuk ke dalam pengusahaan hutan rakyat, dan pada karakteristik lahan seperti apa masyarakat bersedia untuk mengusahakan hutan rakyat dan membudidayakan tanaman keras berkayu. Basis data yang terbangun diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan rujukan dan masukan dalam merencanakan pembangunan dan pengembangan hutan rakyat di Kabupaten Bima, termasuk untuk menetapkan model pengelolaan hutan rakyat yang sebaiknya dikembangkan.en
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to analyze the characteristics of private forest management, the feasibility from business aspect, factor that influencing farmer preferences to entering private forest bussines, and land characteristics that motivating farmers to cultivate a perennials woody plant in Bima District. The study is a descriptive exploratory study using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches in answering the study goals. Qualitative approach used to describe the socioeconomic characteristics of farmer households and the practices of private forest management. Quantitative approach is used to answering the feasibility of private forest business, explaining the factors that influence farmers decisions to entering private forest business, and identify the distribution of suitable lands for private forest. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCF), Logistic Regression, and Multi Criteria Analysis and Spatial Analysis are the analytical tools used in the quantitative approach. Private forests in Bima District is developed using monoculture model with Teak (Tectona grandis) as main crops. It was managed traditionally and autonomous, not well planned and documented, and without applying any modern technology to improve soil quality in orders to increase plants productivity. The private forest locates in stepish area, with high to moderate level of accesibility due to close to the settlements and water resources. From the business aspect, private forests in Bima District were profitable, feasible to develop, and has a high level of resilience to the effects of inflation. Ages, education, area of dry lands, policy, ecological and social motivation were the variables that affected farmer preferences to entered private forest bussines. Based on farmer preferences, there were areas amounting to 169 055 hectares identified as available and suitable land for private forest development in Bima District. The suitable lands were scattered in 18 sub-districts, where Soromandi sub-district having the highest distribution areas.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectfinancial feasibilityen
dc.subjectprivate forest managementen
dc.subjectsuitable landsen
dc.titleKarakteristik Pengelolaan dan Analisis Ketersediaan Lahan Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat di Kabupaten Bima.en
dc.titleCharactheristics of Private Forest Management and Suitable Land Analyze for Private Forest Development in Bima District

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