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Small Pond Management Problem in DKI Jakarta, An Institutional Review.

dc.contributor.advisorRustiadi, Ernan
dc.contributor.advisorHadi, Setia
dc.contributor.authorIgnatius, Priyadi Priyautama
dc.description.abstractSitu merupakan sumber daya alam yang hampir terlupakan. Di kota besar seperti Jakarta, tekanan penduduk dan pergeseran fungsi lahan semakin memperparah kondisi situ yang ada. Sebagian besar situ secara de jure dimiliki oleh pemerintah (pusat) atau “state property” walaupun ada pula situ yang merupakan “private property”. Namun secara de facto ada situ yang tetap menjadi “state property” dan “private property” namun ada pula situ yang secara de facto dapat dikategorikan sebagai sumberdaya alam milik bersama (common property) sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh setiap orang bahkan ada juga yang menjadi open access. Di Jakarta karena tekanan penduduk dan pembangunan, situ cenderung mengalami pengelolaan yang tidak memadai (prinsip good governance belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan) sehingga juga mengalami “the tragedy of the commons”.en
dc.description.abstractSmall pond (situ) in urban areas is natural resource that is almost forgotten. This research is aimed to: (1) identify factors that influence the condition of situ, (2) identify understanding of stakeholder about situ management, and (3) identify institutional situ management. Based on common property, the methods of analysis used are Burt Method that equivalent with Hayashi II Quantification Method in order to assess factors determining small pond (situ) conditions. Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) is also employed, to understand hierarchy process of situ management. The descriptive analysis also used to understand situ institutional. Most of small pond (situ), though legally owned by the government as a state property but it can be getting as common property that can be used by everyone The result of the research shows that in big cities like Jakarta, demographic pressure and a change of land use exacerbated the existing condition of situ. The first priority arrangement situ is for conservation area. The objective element of the overall relationship and the elements of process, implementation is the last priority because respondents see that the process that must be overcome before any performance of law enforcement, planning and monitoring and evaluation. Implementation will run better if the three factors previously aligned. Situ which have a clear institutional will make it well maintained.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleMasalah Pengelolaan Situ di Wilayah DKI Jakarta: Suatu Kajian Kelembagaanen
dc.titleSmall Pond Management Problem in DKI Jakarta, An Institutional Review.

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