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Analisis Spasial untuk Sebaran Suara dan Perolehan Kursi Partai Politik pada Pemilu Legislatif 2009 di Wilayah DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Barat

dc.contributor.advisorDjuraidah, Anik
dc.contributor.advisorSyafitri, Utami Dyah
dc.contributor.authorArdiansa, Dirga
dc.description.abstractIn terms of election, voters behavior within a certain area varies widely and produces various responses of party preferences. This thing indicates that there is an influence of spatial on voters’ preferences besides other variables and factors innate in every individual. What is interesting is that in legislative contest, changes in districts as a spatial factor that can result in different vote accumulations that can impact different seat gain. Therefore there is a deterministic technical aspect to be emphasized which are the technical mechanism and regulations of district creation. This research used Local Indicator Spatial Association (LISA), statistical method based on Local Moran Index, to prove the influence of those two factors on the result of party votes and seats in the Election of 2009.en
dc.subjectLocal Moranen
dc.titleSpatial Analysis for Votes Distribution and Number of Seats Gathered by Political Parties on 2009 General Elections in DKI Jakarta and West Java.en
dc.titleAnalisis Spasial untuk Sebaran Suara dan Perolehan Kursi Partai Politik pada Pemilu Legislatif 2009 di Wilayah DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Barat

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