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Penentuan Kawasan Industri Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian Berbasis Spasial di Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Propinsi Lampung.

dc.contributor.advisorGandasasmita, Komarsa
dc.contributor.authorSumpriyatno, Drie Sarwiedi
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this research was to determine the optimal location for area of agricultural product processing industry in Tulang Bawang district based on agricultural yield potential and accessibility. Optimal location was a region located outside the territory of consessio and, protected area, close to raw materials, ports and water resources. All indicators were analyzed with spatial analysis, LQ, P-Median Problem and AHP. The analysis showed that there are 10 districts which are outside the plantation consession and protected area. LQ results based on planting extended are cassava, rubber and palm oil. Optimal location for potential agricultural and accessibility was Penawar Aji and Rawajitu Selatan sub-districts. Based on the location of water sources, the three sub districts met the criteria as an industrial area whereas for the electricity network, just Menggala sub-districts was that met the criteria. AHP results showed all respondents considered that the District of Rawajitu Selatan as the optimal location area of agricultural product processing industry with a priority on the feasibility of the road, increasing growth, increasing revenues and existing production.en
dc.description.abstractBerdasarkan data pada PDRB tahun 2008, dapat dikemukakan bahwa struktur perekonomian Kabupaten Tulang Bawang sangat ditentukan oleh besarnya sumbangan sektor-sektor ekonomi dalam memproduksi barang dan jasa. Kontribusi sektor pertanian terhadap PDRB Kabupaten Tulang Bawang sebesar 43,29%. Oleh karena itu, dominasi sektor pertanian dalam pembentukan PDRB akan terus terjadi sampai beberapa tahun kedepan. Sektor industri pengolahan tanpa migas menunjukkan kontribusi yang terbesar kedua setelah pertanian yaitu 21,04 %. Oleh karena itu pembangunan industri pada masa yang akan datang merupakan peluang yang cukup baik untuk meningkatkan PDRB Kabupaten Tulang Bawang ke depanIND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectindustrial areaen
dc.subjectoptimal locationen
dc.subjecttulang bawangen
dc.titleSpatial Based on Determination of Processing Industrial Area of Agricultural Products in Tulang Bawang Regency Lampung Province.en
dc.titlePenentuan Kawasan Industri Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian Berbasis Spasial di Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Propinsi Lampung.IND

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