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Habitat characteristics of timor friarbird philemon inornatus in Camplong Landscape Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara

dc.contributor.advisorMulyani, Yeni Aryati
dc.contributor.advisorPrasetyo, Lilik Budi
dc.contributor.authorPaga, Blasius
dc.description.abstractCikukua timor (Philemon inornatus, G. R. Gray, 1846) merupakan salah satu jenis burung endemik Pulau Timor dengan status dilindungi menurut Peraturan Pemerintah RI No 7 Tahun 1999. Populasi Cikukua timor di lanskap Camplong diduga dalam enam tahun terakhir (2006-2011) terus menunjukkan penurunan jumlah populasi. Faktor penyebab penurunan jumlah populasi Cikukua timor di lanskap ini diduga akibat illegal hunting dan berbagai tekanan habitat seperti; illegal loging, kebakaran hutan, penggembalaan ternak secara liar, pembukaan dan pelebaran jalan dalam kawasan TWA Camplong, praktek pembukaan lahan budidaya pertanian dengan pembakaran dan invasi spesies Chromolaena odorata. Informasi mengenai habitat Cikukua timor pada saat ini masih terbatas pada sebaran berdasarkan altitude dan tipe hutan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan informasi spasial Cikukua timor berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Aplikasi SIG dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data penggunaan ruang, kemudian mencari hubungan data posisional untuk kondisi umum lingkungan dan memanfaatkan hasil model statistik untuk memprediksi penggunaan wilayah geografis lainnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik habitat Cikukua timor berdasarkan faktor-faktor (peubah) dominan komponen habitat (fisik/abiotik dan biotik) yang berpengaruh terhadap keberadaannya dan menduga kepadatan populasi Cikukua timor di lanskap
dc.description.abstractTimor Friarbird (Philemon inornatus, G. R. Gray, 1846) is one of the six endemic birds of Timor and is a protected species. The population of bird is suspected to have been decreasing over the past six years along with the decreasing of the quantity and quality of physical and biotic factors of its habitat. Knowledge on landscape spatial pattern could be used to evaluate the quantity and quality of habitat. This research aimed at identifying spatial habitat characteristics of Timor Friarbird based on dominant factors of physical and biotic habitat components. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) on the physical habitat factors showed that variables that have strong correlation with the presence of the bird were Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), slope, distance from secondary forest, distance from bush, distance from cashew plantation, distance from crop plantation, and distance from roads. The biotic factors that have strong correlation with the presence of Timor Friarbird were the total number of plant species, number of plants used for food and cover, and mean height of trees. Height of poles was the only variable that has no correlation with the presence of Timor Friarbird. The most dominant physical and biotic factors that influent the presence of Timor Friarbird at a site are the density of foraging trees, slope, distance from the river, the distance from secondary forest, the density of cover pole and the distance from road. The estimation population of Timor Friarbird in Camplong region is low; this might be caused by low feeding tree density, high rates of poaching, the uneven distribution of feed vegetation and the flowering season, habitat degradation due to illegal logging, grazing cattle in the wild, and invasion of siam weed or chromolaena (Chromolaena odorata). The results of land cover classification at Camplong region based on Landsat_5 Thematic Mapper (TM) image with ArcGIS 9.3 and Erdas 9.1 obtained 11 land cover classes, with shrub as the dominant class. Keyword: Philemon inornatus, Habitat Spatial Characteristics, PCA, Population, Land Coveren
dc.subjectPhilemon inornatusen
dc.subjectHabitat Spatial Characteristicsen
dc.subjectLand Coveren
dc.titleKarakteristik habitat burung cikukua timor (Philemon Inornatus) di Lanskap Camplong Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timurid
dc.titleHabitat characteristics of timor friarbird philemon inornatus in Camplong Landscape Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggaraen

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