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dc.contributor.authorFajriyah, Yenny Astriana Fitriatul
dc.description.abstractBogor Agricultural University has a bamboo Arboretum that was planted the species of sembilang (Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro). The quantity of sembilang in there only one clumps. Condition of sembilang in bamboo Arboretum has many damages that caused by cutting of clump and taking of rhizome that have done with wrong technique. If the bamboo wasn’t taken care, this species will to go through disturbed. This case was the reason to identify the physic condition, damage factor and make conservation program of sembilang at bamboo arboretum of campus darmaga. This research was conducted from November to December 2011 at bamboo Arboretum of campus darmaga. Materials that collected was bio ecology of sembilang, analysis clumps of bamboo, identification of damage and species experiment cultivation. The materials were collected by qualitative analysed based on calculation of the growth of clump, damage of clump, total of bud and rhizome that was taken. So, the condition clumps of bamboo will be known if the condition was good or bad. Clump of sembilang which grow is 6 clumps and 32 clumps are damage. The clumps damage were caused by breaking, that is 3 (9%), and by cutting, that is 29 (91%). The growth of rhizome was not found in bamboo arboretum. This case is mean that clumps of sembilang at bamboo arboretum has high damage, so clumps of sembilang can’t do regenerate process. The physic condition of sembilang at bamboo arboretum of campus darmaga has high damage. This condition caused clump of sembilang which grow was 6 clumps and rhizome’s growth was not found. That damages are caused by human and environment factor. For decreasing the damage, must to do conservation program which based on damage sources. The concervation program can used by fertilizing with giving some fertilizer, cleaning clumps of bamboo and surrounding, cultivating of individu, setting of fence and interpretation board.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectconservation ex-situen
dc.subjectbamboo sembilangen
dc.subjectBamboo Arboretumen
dc.titleKonservasi Ex-situ Bambu Sembilang (Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro) Di Arboretum Bambu Kampus Darmagaen

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