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dc.contributor.authorBengen, Dietriech Geoffrey
dc.contributor.authorNatan, Yuliana
dc.contributor.authorF. Yulianda
dc.contributor.authorS.A.P. Dwiono
dc.description.abstractStudy on some aspects of reproductive biology of mudflat clam has been carried out on mangrove ecosystem in inner Ambon bay. Reproductive parameters were consist of sex ratio, ganado somatic index (GSI), gonad maturity level of female and fecund ity. The result showed that the percentage of male was as equivalent as female. The peaks ofGSI and gonad maturity level offemale occurred in April and May (the beginning of wet season), and also in November and December (dry season). The abundance of fecundity was found in September and October and assumed spawned in November and December. It was concluded that spawning occurred throughout the year.en
dc.publisherFakultas Perikaaan d an Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Pattimura
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 7 Nomor I;
dc.subjectReproductive biologyen
dc.subjectmudflat clamen
dc.titleBeberapa Aspek Biologi Reproduksi Kerang Pantai Berlumpur (Anodontia Edentula, Linnaens, 1758) Pada Ekosistem Mangrove Di Teluk Ambon Bagian Dalamen
dc.title.alternative(Some Aspects of Reproductive Biology of Mudflat Clam on Mangrove Ecosystem in Inner Ambon Bay)en

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