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dc.contributor.authorBengen, Dietriech Geoffrey
dc.description.abstractA studya imed to examinet he statuso f sustainablem anagemento f coral reef in Pulau Hogow and Pulau Putus-Putus in Southeast Minahasa regency, North SulawesPi rovincew, as conductedin from Julyt o September2 011.D iagnosis statuso f sustainablem anagement on the of coral reef was piesented in a sequence covering the ecological, e-conomic, social, institutional and technological dimensions. ln ecologicadl imension,t he.attributeo f percentageo f coral cover providedt he largest contributionln. economicadl imensioni,r te targeit contriuuiionw as providedb y tourism guide,t ime used for coral reefs exploitationl,e peno"n"v on tn" resourcea s a source of incomea nd foreignt ouristsa ttributesI.n sociald imensions, imilari ndications by the attributeso f the number of locationsw hich were potentialf or explosihtaotwionn conflictsl,e velo f educationa nd effortst o.repairt he damageo f coral reef ecosystems. on the institutionadl imension,t he contribuiionsm ade oi-arr attributesw ere almost even' with the highesti s the tradition/culturaen d cooperition attributes. the technologicadl imensiont he contributions Similarly,i n made atiributes were almost even, with the highest contributions were from boa.t technology and technology post-harvest technology attributes. For overall dimensions or suitiinaoility management of coral reefs, a map created in RAPFIsH oidinate showed recommendation thes ustainability.en
dc.publisherFakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, UNSRAT
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. Vll-3;
dc.subjectcoral reefen
dc.titleStatus Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Terum Bu Karang Di Pulau Hogow Dan Putus-Putus Sulawesi Utaraen

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