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The Study of Overland Flow Management Practices in the Arboretum of Jagorawi Toll Road, Bogo

dc.contributor.advisorWahjunie,Enni Dwi
dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Heni
dc.description.abstractRoad and highways have been recognized as a source of pollution originated from vehicle emissions and other materials. Overland flow from the road will either infiltrate into the soil around the road or accumulate as surface water. The process runs continuously that the accumulation of vehicle emission materials will occure in the soil. One method to minimize this is to apply the technique of bioretention. Arboretum of Jagorawi toll road ideally works as a bioretention system that controls the quality of surface water and distributed safely into the surrounding area. Aims of the research is to study overland flow management practices in the arboretum of Jagorawi toll road, to study the relationship between rainfall properties, volume of vehicles passing the road with the physical and chemical properties of the rain and surface water, to evaluate the ability of the soil as bioretention system through chemical properties examination of the groundwater. The research shows that the longest rainfall occurence timelag has the highest TDS value in line with high volume of the passing vehicles. pH value of rainwater and surface water are about 6,1 to 6,7, they are categorised as safe for drinking water and potentially have no tendency to contaminate groundwater. Total P value of rainwater is about 0,2 to 0,33 mg/l, they are categorised as unsafe for drinking water, but total P value of groundwater is low and has no tendency to contamination. Nitrate value of surface water is about 10,33 to 14,47 mg/l, it is categorised as unsafe for drinking water and potentially has tendency to contaminate the groundwater, but nitrate value in the groundwater is relatively low and has no tendency to contamination. Pb value in rain water and surface water are about 0,003 to 0,013 mg/l, they are categorised as safe for drinking water and potentially have no tendency to contaminate the groundwater, however groundwater sample 3 shows that the value of the Pb is higher than the limit for drinking water standard quality (0,018 mg/l). Arboretum of Jagorawi toll road is physically qualified as bioretention system except of soil texture. The soil texture of arboretum contains more than 50% of clay.en
dc.description.abstractJalan raya diketahui merupakan salah satu sumber pencemaran air permukaan yang berasal dari polutan kendaraan berupa emisi gas buang dan bahan lain. Aliran permukaan yang melalui jalan raya sebagian akan meresap ke dalam tanah di sekitar jalan dan sebagian dapat berakumulasi menjadi genangan. Proses tersebut berjalan terus menerus menyebabkan adanya akumulasi bahan emisi kendaraan di dalam tanah. Salah satu metode untuk meminimalisir hal tersebut adalah dengan menerapkan teknik bioretensi. Arboretum tol Jagorawi idealnya berfungsi sebagai sistem bioretensi yang dapat mengontrol kualitas aliran permukaan dan mengalirkannya dengan aman ke daerah sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengelolaan aliran permukaan di arboretum tol Jagorawi, mengkaji keterkaitan antara selang kejadian hujan, tinggi dan lama hujan, serta volume kendaraan yang melewati jalan tol Jagorawi dengan sifat-sifat fisik dan kimia pada air hujan dan air permukaan, mengetahui kemampuan tanah sebagai sistem bioretensi dan mengkaji kemampuan sistem bioretensi melalui karakter sifat kimia air sumur di pemukiman warga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa air permukaan dengan selang kejadian hujan paling panjang memiliki kadar TDS paling tinggi sejalan dengan tingginya volume kendaraan. Nilai pH air hujan dan air permukaan sekitar 6,1-6,7, tergolong aman dan tidak berpotensi mencemari air tanah. Kadar P-total air hujan sekitar 0,2-0,33 mg/l, tergolong tidak aman bagi air minum, akan tetapi kandungan P-total dalam air sumur warga tergolong rendah dan tidak menunjukkan adanya pencemaran. Kandungan nitrat pada air permukaan sekitar 10,33-14,47 mg/l, tergolong tidak aman untuk air minum dan berpotensi mencemari air tanah, akan tetapi kandungan nitrat pada air tanah tergolong rendah dan tidak menunjukkan adanya pencemaran. Kadar Pb pada air hujan dan air permukaan sekitar 0,003-0,013 mg/l, tergolong aman bagi air minum dan tidak berpotensi sebagai pencemar, akan tetapi contoh air sumur 3 menunjukkan kandungan Pb yang melebihi batas ambang kualitas air minum yaitu sebesar 0,018 mg/l. Arboretum tol Jagorawi sudah memenuhi syarat sifat fisik sistem bioretensi kecuali tekstur. Tekstur tanah di lokasi penelitian mengandung liat ≥ 50%.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectSurface Wateren
dc.titleKajian Pengelolaan Aliran Permukaan di Arboretum Tol Jagorawi, Bogoren
dc.titleThe Study of Overland Flow Management Practices in the Arboretum of Jagorawi Toll Road, Bogo

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