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Antioxidant activity of betle leaf (Piper Betle L.)

dc.contributor.authorAndarwulan, Nuri
dc.contributor.authorWijaya, C. Hanny
dc.contributor.authorCahyono, Didik Tri
dc.description.abstractAntioxidant extractiort from betle leaf was done with ethanol according to the procedure of Hammerschmidt and Pratt (1978). The kaves ertmckd wen: green andyelklw,Jresh andfrreu dried, and the aroma was removed by sorchlet and steam destilations. Antioxidant extract had a common specific aroma, i.e., betle leaf aroma, green aroma and rlhanol aroma. On the other hand, the extract colors of the green, brown and the yellow leaves wen: significantly diffrent. From the eight diffrent kind of extract, green betle leaf ertract wich freeze dried lind suam distilled hnd highest yield. The exctrax of green belle leaf which was freeze dried and suam distilkd also has highest activity of antioxidant (FP 9.83). The highest total phenol (32.71 mglml), was obtained from the antixidant extract of the yelow betle leaf which was fruze dried and extracud with the soxhlet method. The antioxidative activity of the extracts (50, 100 and 200 ppm) wen: usud in crude strybean oil and refined-bleached-deodorized (RBD) soybean oil held at 60'C in II light free environment. During Storage, the 200 ppm antioxidant extract tesud in RBD strybean oil showed the highest antioxidant activity (FP 9.59). The combinations beetwen 50, 100 and 200 ppm extracts and 0 .01, 0.02 and 0.04 % citric acid, studied in emulsion linolic and stored lit 37oC,did not increase antioxidant effect (neqative synergism).en
dc.titleAktivitas antioksi dan dari daun sirih (Piper Betle L.)en
dc.titleAntioxidant activity of betle leaf (Piper Betle L.)en
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol.Vii no. 1 Tahun 1996en

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