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Strategy Management of Conflict Exploiting of Ethnical Funeral Chinese Cikadut (case in Kel. Karang Pamulang Kec. Mandalajati Kota Bandung).

dc.contributor.advisorWigna, Winati
dc.contributor.advisorSyaukat, Yusman
dc.contributor.authorIshak, Wilden
dc.description.abstractPada tahun 1997/1998 kondisi perekonomian Indonesia mengalami guncangan bersamaan dengan terjadinya krisis ekonomi ditingkat global. Krisis tersebut membawa masyarakat pada tahap kehidupan yang sulit. Dampak yang ditimbulkannya bersifat multidimensi, berupa peningkatan angka pengangguran, penurunan nilai rupiah mengakibatkan harga kebutuhan pokok melonjak naik dan bermuara pada peningkatan kemiskinan dalam masyarakat. Lingkungan pemakaman Gina Gikadut yang sebelumnya memberi banyak pili han pekerjaan, mengalami kevakuman, apalagi kemudian tahun 1999 Pemerintah Daerah menutup Pemakaman Gina Gikadut untuk pemakaman baru. Secara otomatis kebijakan tersebut menutup adanya peluang pekerjaan di Pemakaman Gina Gikadut, pada gilirannya mendorong maraknya pencurian dan penjarahan asetaset makam, pemalakan dan meminta sumbangan marak terjadi pad a perayaan Geng Beng. Sejak krisis ekonomi terjadi, secara simultan dan berkesinambungan memunculkan berbagai permasalahan sosial, dan menjadikan masyarakat semakin tidak memiliki keberdayaan.IND
dc.description.abstractIn the year 1997/1998 condition of economics natural Indonesia has unstable at the same time with the happening of economics crisis in global level. The crisis brings society at difficult life phase. Generated impact it have the character of multi dimension, in the form increasing of jobless number, degradation of rupiahs value, leap pricerequirement of and fundamental have estuary to make-up of poomess of society. Ethnical funeral of Chinesein Cikadut which is on previous time can give many work choice, later then experience of emptiness, and in the year 1999 Local Government close the funeral for another new churchyard. Direct influence of the policy is job on funeral of Chinese in Cikadut become to disapper, in turn push often theft and foray of rnausoleum assets, holdup and ask contribution often happened (at) celebration "Ceng Beng". Social pattern which ia later formed to show the existence of inconsistency among various importance in cours of exploiting the mausoleum area. As a whole existing condition express inharmonious relation, ethnical circle of feel to become action target exploit and local society citizen feel to be disregarded by its rights. This situation rnake funeral location as security gristle region, annoyed orderliness and pleasant to result ethnicalChinese orderly retreat from process exploting of area funeral of Cikadut. Situation and this conflict condition if let can be endanger for society at both side, therefore have to be looked for its troubleshooting. In framework this is the st.Udy conducted, that is to assist society at both side go through adequate agreement to attainrnent of equivalent social relation pattern and with justice, so that prosperity of society at both side can be realized.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectSocial equityen
dc.subjectprosperity and justiceen
dc.titleStrategi Pengelolaan Konflik Pemanfaatan Pemakaman Etnis Cina Cikadut (Kasus di Kelurahan karang Pamulang Kecamalan Mandalajati Kola Bandung)IND
dc.titleStrategy Management of Conflict Exploiting of Ethnical Funeral Chinese Cikadut (case in Kel. Karang Pamulang Kec. Mandalajati Kota Bandung).en

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