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Increase in efficient of irrigation through cultivation of paddy System Of Rice Intensification (SRI) Method

dc.contributor.advisorJuanda, Bambang
dc.contributor.advisorAnwar, Affendi
dc.contributor.authorWardhana, Laurentius D. Wisnu
dc.description.abstractDi masa mendatang pennintaan air irigasi akan terus meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan luas tanam padi yang diperlukan. Di sisi lain, volume air yang harus dialokasikan untuk memenuhi pennintaan dari sektor non pertanian semakin meningkat pula. Implikasinya, pasokan air irigasi semakin langka. Oleh karena itu peningkatan efisiensi penggunaan air irigasi harus dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui estimasi nilai ekonomi (valuasi) air irigasi untuk penentuan harga air irigasi dan peningkatan pendapatan petani, mengetahui sejauh mana penentuan harga air berpengaruh terhadap alokasi sumberdaya air secara efisien, mengetahui interaksi kerjasama dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya air irigasi, Mengetahui implikasi metode tanam optimal terhadap pendapatan petani dan produksi padi demi kesejahteraan petani padi, dan mengetahui System of Rice Intentification (SRI) yang efisiensi pada air irigasi mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional.en
dc.description.abstractDemand for irrigation water will increase in line with toting up cultivation area of rice required in the future. On the other hand, water quantity should be allocated to fulfill water demand of non-agricultural sectors which are also steadily increasing. It implies that water availability for irrigation will be scarcer, and therefore, utilization of irrigation water resource should be carried out in a more efficient way. An economic incentive might be feasible to apply economic value of the irrigation water as a basis of water pricing. Water charges paid by the farmers and the quantity of water used and under the marginal value product of the irrigation water. The research result indicates that marginal value of irrigation water is Rp 1.520 m·3 for Cianjur Region and Rp 1.079 m·3 for Karawang Region. Efficiency of irrigation can also use with management supply is the disconnected water distribution system (intermittent). Intermittent can increase the efficiency between 46 % compared with the continuous system (continuous flow). The deviation from both these systems can give a plus point to the peljormance of Penlln Jasa Tirta (P JT) II which can be used for the necessity out of the agriculture. Intermittent at cultivation of paddy with SRI method can increase the product is 16.7 % compared with conventional method, and therefore, SRI method can increase food security in Indonesia.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectirrigation wateren
dc.subjectmarginal valueen
dc.subjectSRI methoden
dc.subjectfood securityen
dc.titlePeningkatan Efisiensi Irigasi Melalui Budidaya Padi Metode System OJ Rice Intensification (SRI)en
dc.titleIncrease in efficient of irrigation through cultivation of paddy System Of Rice Intensification (SRI) Method

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