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Autecology of Begonia spp. (BEGONIACEAE) and their utilities by arfak tribe in Mokwam Manokwari)

dc.contributor.advisorSetiadi, Dede
dc.contributor.authorSutarno, Simon
dc.description.abstractBegonia merupakan anggota famili Begoniaceae yang memiliki penyebaran cukup luas di Indonesia, termasuk di Papua. Kerusakan alam sebagai akibat meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia akan ruang dan kebutuhan lainnya berdarnpak pada kerusakan ekosistem, termasuk habitat alami Begonia. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendokumentasikan jenis Begonia pada hutan pegunungan di daerah Mokwam, autekologi dan manfaat jenis tersebut bagi suku Arfak di daerah Mokwam sebagai upaya menuju pelestarian sumberdaya alam hayati secara umum dimasa akan datang.IND
dc.description.abstractBegonia is a member of Begoniaceae which has wide population distribution throughout Indonesia, including Papua. Unfortunately, environmental destruction caused by human activities to accomplish their needs has also given negative impacts to the genera due to its natnral ecosystem and habitat degradation In an attempt to discover the Begonia species diversity in Mokwam and their use to Arfak People, this research was carried out in Mokwam area, which is located in Arfak Mountain Range in Manokwari at above 1000 m asL. By using Purposive Sampling Method in three altitude ranges: 1000-1500,1500-2000 and above 2000 m asl, the distribution Begonia spp. were studied to understand their diversity, the relationship between popnlation and their environmental factors consist of pH, physical and chemical soil, and surrounding plant species. The traditional plant use of Begonia to the Arfak people was studied as well to recognize the use value of Begonia spp. in Mokwam area. Nine species were found from the sites. One of them, Begonia arfakensis, is Arfak endemic and other four species are being proposed as new species, whilst the rest are remains unidentified due to the absence of flower. In their native habitat, Begonia spp. can be found in primary forest with medium to high canopy coverage and especially inhabited on steep areasllands with 40-80% gradient. The highest diversity was recorded at 1500-2000 m as!. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering showed that the characteristics of Begonia habitat in 1 I sampling locations are similar. The soil types are generally sandy loam and clay loam with topsoil less than 20 cm depth and pH range 4.6 - 6.47, C contents 4. I - 5.2 %, N total 0.21 - 0.42 % and P available 3-12 mglkg. To Arfak People, Begonia is particularly used as medicinal plants to heal some internal diseases. The people also practice several restoration activities to some Begonia spp. with economic values in traditional manners.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectArfak Tribeen
dc.titleAutekologi Begonia spp. (Begoniaceae) dan manfaatnya bagi suku arfak di daerah mokwam manokwarien
dc.titleAutecology of Begonia spp. (BEGONIACEAE) and their utilities by arfak tribe in Mokwam Manokwari)

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