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Pest and Disease Incidences on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Organic Farming System

dc.contributor.advisorSuastika, Gede
dc.contributor.advisorNawangsih, Abdjad Asih
dc.description.abstractPertanian organik adalah sistem manajemen produksi holistik yang meningkatkan dan mengembangkan kesehatan agro-ekosistem, termasuk keragaman hayati, siklus biologi, dan aktivitas biologi tanah. Sistem pertanian berbasis high input energy seperti pupuk kimia dan pestisida dapat merusak terhadap sifat-sifat fisik tanah yang pada gilirannya menurunkan produktivitas tanah. Sistem pertanian alternatif dengan menggunakan teknologi masukan rendah (low input energy) diyakini mampu memelihara kesuburan tanah serta kelestarian lingkungan sekaligus mempertahankan atau meningkatkan produktivitas tanah.en
dc.description.abstractExcessive utilization of both synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides in conventional farming system so far has created many problems such as environmental pollution, plant pest and disease resistance and resurgence, health problems, etc. These adverse effects promoted the conversion movement of farming system from conventional to organic. Modern organic farming system encourages farmers to use organic fertilizers, to control plant pests and diseases by using biological agents and cultivation management. The objectives of the research were (1) to analyze the incidence of pest and disease on the rice organic farming system, and (2) to know the effect of the organic farming system on diversity and abundance of arthropods and microorganism. The research was conducted in Situgede village, Bogor, West Java in two planting seasons that were rainy and dry seasons of 2007/2008. The treatments included five farming systems i.e. conventional (using urea 200 kglha, TSP 100 kg/ha, KCl 100 kglha and synthetic chemical pesticide); low-input (using bokashi 1 tonlha, urea too kglha, TSP 50 kg/ha, KCl 50 kg/ha and synthetic chemical pesticide); organic-5 (using bokashi 5 tonlha, without anorganic fertilizer and synthetic chemical pesticide); organik-lO (using bokashi 10 tonlha, without anorganic fertilizer and synthetic chemical pesticide); SRI (similar with organic-5, but different in irrigation and planting system). The result of the study showed that the incidences of pests and diseases in organic farming systems were almost the same as in those of conventional farming systems, either in rainy or dry season. Furthermore, diversity and abundance of arthropods and microorganism on organic farming system were higher than those of the conventional one. Ecosystem on organic farming system was likely more suitable for and therefore promoted the development of beneficial organisms. It was also found that organic farming systems were more profitable than the conventional ones.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectrice organic farming systemen
dc.subjectpests and diseasesen
dc.titlePerkembangan Hama dan Penyakit pada Sistem Pertanian Organik Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa L.)en
dc.titlePest and Disease Incidences on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Organic Farming System

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