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dc.contributor.advisorWidjaya, Hermanu
dc.contributor.advisorAbdullah, Tatat Sutarman
dc.description.abstractAs natural and dinamic heterogcncous product, soil character are different from one place to another, following the variation factors of soil formation. The accurate soil mapping are needed (0 support regional planning. Study of soil mapping by using key area in Subdistrict of Ciomas and Padarincang of Serang Regency have been done.• The objective of this study are: to learn variation, characteristics, classification and delineation the soil mapping unit in the key area, to explore the soil mapping unit from the key area to entire survey area. That data are compared with data from Team of FEM IPB survey result (Team ofFEM IPB, 2003), that using combination ofLandlorm and Grid System methodes. Determination of key area was conducted at representatif area based on landform analyse from topographic and geological maps. At the key area, field observation of soil characteristic, and classification with Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1996 and 1999). Was done the observation also for land characteristics. Therefore, design of soil mapping unit covered in the key area and factor that determine delineation of soil mapping unit, could be learned. Extrapolation to entire survey area due to relation of soil mapping unit at the key area with consideration of the landform. Survey area covered 15.365 Ha and the wide of key area 1.482 Ha. Soil subgroup in the key area are Typic Hapludults, Typic Dystrudepts, Lithic Eutrudox, Typic Kandiudox, Typic Endoaqualfs, Typic Hydraquents, Sulfic Tropaquepts and Lithic Troporthents. Soil subgroups based on FEM IPB Team are Thapto-Histic Fluvaquents, Aeric Tropic Fluvaquents, Tropic Fluvaquents, Thapto-Histic Tropic Fluvaquents, Typic Hydraquents, Typic Kandiudox, Aquic Kandiudox, Typic Hapludults and Lithic Tropaquepts. The survey area with volcanic slope landforms, that covered SPT 1, 2, 3, 4, and SPT 5, were found 6 subgroup of soil, while in mapping that done by Team FEM IPB, that covered SPT 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and SPT 10, were found 7 soil subgroup. Of the closed depression landform (SPT 6 and 7) there were 3 soil subgroups, but according to the FEM IPB Team that covered SPT 1,2,3 and SPT 5 consist 5 soil subgroups. Mapping by using key area produce more accurate soil mapping unit at volcanic slope landforms, but less covering all soil varieties at flat area of closed depression landform. Grid system are better to do in flat survey area.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleStudi Pemetaan Tanah Dengan Menggunakanarealkuncidlkecamatan Ciomas Dan Padarincang Kabupaten Serang, Bantenen

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