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The integrated capture fisheries industry system in Arafura Sea

dc.contributor.advisorHaluan, John
dc.contributor.advisorBaskoro, Mulyono S.
dc.contributor.advisorWisudo, Sugeng Hari
dc.contributor.authorMulyana, Ridwan
dc.description.abstractFisheries has became an important sector for economic development in Indonesia due to the large potency of fish resources. There are many ways of people to harvest fish such traditional way (small scale) to modern industry. Sometimes, high fishing intensity on waters lead to negative impacts in fisheries sustainability as indicated by fish stock depletion, “overfishing”, destructive fishing methods, fish habitat dan environment destruction, and social conflict. Arafura Sea is one of the fishery region that highly fishing intensity occured by industrial scale of fishing which using 30 GT of boat. In order to avoid the negative impact of high fishing intensity, it’s important to determine the capture fisheries management model which can maintain the fisheries sustainability and optimalization of fishing capture in Arafura Sea. The purposes of this research are to : (1) determine the state of fisheries sustainability in Arafura Sea by type of fishing gear and dimension; (2) identify the leverage factors in capture fisheries management; (3) determine the optimum fishing unit (gear) as a basis of capture fisheries industry management; (4) identify the capture fisheries industry management system. The methods of research consists of RAPFISH (Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries) method and LGP (Linear Goal Programming). RAPFISH method use to determine the sustainablity state of fisheries in Arafura Sea by many dimensions as ecology, economy, social, technology, and ethic. The output of RAPFISH method are type of sustainability fishing gears and leverage factors of fisheries sustainability. The result of RAPFISH method then processed by LGP to determine the optimum allocation of fishing gears. This optimum allocation then become a basis to capture fisheries industry management by fishing license. The next step is to determine the model of capture fisheries industry management including of leverage factors as feedback. RAPFISH analysis shows that the fisheries sustainability in Arafura Sea is sustainable enough (score 53.86). But this score is near to less sustainable so it’s important to consider the precautionary approach in fisheries development on Arafura Sea. Analysis by dimensions show that ecology dimension is sustainable enough with highest score (72.43), technology dimension is sustainable enough (score 64.84), social dimension is sustainable enough (score 51.52), economic dimension is less sustainable (score 43.28), and ethic dimension is less sustainable (score 37.27). Result by type of fishing gear shows that squid jigging is sustainable enough with highest score (62.15). Then bottom long line is sustainable enough (score 58.04), and oceanic gillnet also sustainable enough (score 57.27). The two other fishing gears are less sustainable : fish net (score 47.60) and shrimp net (score 44.29). In generally, the sustainability of fisheries by type of fishing gears mostly influenced by the character of fishing gear and fish as target of capture. Leverage analysis shows the major influenced attributes are : (1) size of fish, on ecology dimension; (2) job providing, on economic dimension; (3) FAD and gear selectivity, on technology dimension; (4) education level, on social dimension; and (5) just management, on ethic dimension. The less influenced attributes are : (1) species, on ecology dimension; (2) subsidy, on economic dimension; (3) fisheries socialisation; on social dimension; (4) on-board handling, on technology dimension; and (5) mitigation-depletion of habitat/ ecosystem, on ethic dimension. The optimum analysis determined the allocation and type of fishing gears which sustainable as : bottom long line (34985 GT), oceanic gillnet (24119 GT), squid jigging (10423 GT). Then the optimum allocation of fish net is 187314 GT, and shrimp net is 9789 GT. The alternative of capture fishing industry management through licensing mechanism can implemented by developing the optimum allocation and determine the environment sustainability in feasibility assesment step as mentioned on Ministrial of Marine and Fisheries Decree No. 14/2011. The strategic framework of capture fishing industry system include the component with steps as follows: (1) assesment the location; (2) determinate the state of fisheries sustainability; (3) determinate the type of fishing gears which sustainable; (4) determinate the leverage factors; (5) optimum allocation of priority fishing gears which sustainable; (6) optimum allocation of all fishing gears; and (7) fisheries management through fishing license considering feedback from leverage factors.en
dc.description.abstractSektor perikanan merupakan salah satu sektor yang diandalkan dalam rangka pembangunan ekonomi bangsa Indonesia antara lain karena ditunjang oleh besarnya potensi sumberdaya ikan yang dimiliki. Pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan sudah lama dilakukan masyarakat mulai dengan skala kecil sampai sampai skala besar atau komersial dengan penggunaan kapal dan alat penangkap ikan modern. Seringkali pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan tidak terkendalikan sehingga menghasilkan dampak negatif bagi keberlanjutan perikanan yang diindikasikan antara lain oleh penurunan stok sumberdaya ikan, overfishing, kerusakan habitat dan lingkungan, konflik pemanfaatan sumberdaya dan sebagainya. Laut Arafura merupakan salah satu WPP (wilayah pengelolaan perikanan) yang mendapatkan tekanan pemanfaatan tinggi khususnya oleh pengoperasian kapal-kapal perikanan skala industri berukuran diatas 30 GT (gross tonage). Untuk itu dalam rangka mencegah dampak negatif pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan diperlukan suatu model pengelolaan industri perikanan tangkap yang dapat menjamin keberlanjutan perikanan sekaligus pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan yang optimal di Laut Arafura. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan antara lain : (1) Mengetahui status keberlanjutan perikanan di Laut Arafura berdasarkan jenis alat penangkap ikan dan dimensi; (2) Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor utama yang berpengaruh pada pengelolaan industri perikanan tangkap terpadu di lokasi penelitian; (3) Mengetahui alokasi optimal unit penangkapan ikan sebagai dasar pengembangan industri perikanan tangkap terpadu di lokasi penelitian; dan (4) Mengidentifikasi dan merumuskan sistem industri perikanan tangkap terpadu yang optimal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pertama-tama dengan melakukan pengukuran status keberlanjutan perikanan tangkap di Laut Arafura menurut dimensi ekologi, ekonomi, sosial, teknologi, dan etika dengan menggunakan RAPFISH atau Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries. Hasil analisis RAPFISH berupa jenis alat penangkap ikan yang berkelanjutan kemudian diolah dengan metode optimasi Linear Goal Programming (LGP) untuk mengetahui alokasi optimalnya. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis LGP lanjutan (tahap-2) untuk mengetahui alokasi optimal seluruh jenis alat penangkapan ikan yang menjadi dasar pengelolaan industri perikanan tangkap terpadu melalui mekanisme perizinan. Tahap berikutnya adalah implementasi strategi pengelolaan industri perikanan tangkap terpadu yang dituangkan kedalam model yang mencakup umpan balik (feedback) berupa faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh sensitif hasil analisis leverage.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectfisheries sustainabilityen
dc.subjectArafura Sea.en
dc.titleSistem pengelolaan perikanan tangkap terpadu di WPP Laut Arafuraen
dc.titleThe integrated capture fisheries industry system in Arafura Sea

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