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dc.contributor.advisorMunandar, Aris
dc.contributor.advisorBaga, Lukman Mohammad
dc.contributor.authorSukri, Mat
dc.description.abstractPublic services by the government officer are the implementation of their function as public servant. Government officer hold the key role as public service organizer. As for the Regional Secretary of West Lampung Regency as the organization which is burdened the function of coordination and technical tr::\ services into whole of institution in regional government, the valuation of working \Q.I level for the organization officer is very important especially in the efforts to :I: conduct improvement in the future. The goodness of officer workmanship then ~ becomes the key of success for West Lampung Regional Secretary in improving n the public services. General aim of the research is conducting evaluation of "2. officer workmanship in West Lampung Regional Sec retary. The specific aims are: III (1) composing indicators which influenced the officer workmanship in West 3 Lampung Regional Secretary, (2) evaluating officer workmanship in West ~ Lampung Regional Secretary, and (3) deriving policy strategies and progra ms for "'C workmanship improvement in West Lampung Regional Secretary. The analysis OJ method using in the research is officer workmanship analysis. To derive :::l strategies, it is used the SWOT analysis. Results of the research shows that !i there are 15 indicators can be used to evaluate the officer workmans hip which ;::;: .c.. . can be classified into 3 (three) groups which are group of services (7 indicators), "'C group of officer capabilities (5 indicators) and group of officer achievement (3 ~ indicators). West Lampung Regional Secretary officer workmanship from the ~ perspective of services and capabilities can be valued as "Good" or categorized III "B". Their workmanship under the perspective of achievement is valued "Less :::l Good" or categorized "D". But then, overall score for the West Lampung Regional g' Secretary officer workmanship under all of 15 indicators are gaining level "Good" cg or categorized "B"en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectRegional Autonomyen
dc.subjectOfficer Workmanshipen
dc.subjectPublic Servicesen
dc.titleStrategi Peningkatan KineIja Aparatur pada Sekretariat Daerah di Kabupaten Lampung Baraten

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