Community-based forest management partnership for prosperity Of the people (a case community based forest management in Perhutani bkph parung panjang, kph bogor)
Pengelolaan Hutan Kemitraan Untuk Menyejahterakan Rakyat (Kasus Phbm Di Perhutani Bkph Parung Panjang, Kph Bogor)
Ansori, Mukhlas
Soetarto, Endriatmo
Darusman, Dudung
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After the reform era, forest management tends to change from state-based to communitybased approaches. Arising awareness about the importance of involving communities in forest management, it will not succed without support from the community. Since 2001, Perhutani has implemented a partnership program in the form of CBFM (Community Based Forest management), designed to accommodate the dynamic needs of the community. This paper aims to study the perception of society, equality of status of the community, CBFM institution, and to formulate alternative forestry policy. This research was quantitative and qualitative research. Sample were taken purposively. Research location in Perhutani office (BKPH) of Parung Panjang, KPH Bogor. Public perceptions of CBFM are positive and able to increase revenue, income, absorb labour, and grow productive business. Biophysical condition are better with the following : the fire and illegal logging are reduced, and the rehabilitation of forest is better. However, it has been difficult for the community to get water since Accacia mangium were planted. The level of community participation in planning and evaluation is low but high in the implementation. The pattern of partnership is asymmetrical because the decision-making is dominated by Perhutani officers. Community creativity can not be implemented according to the needs. In the cooperative agreement, there are many inequalities positions. The partnership is focused more on corporate interests, and is used as reducer of conflict. Policy scenarios of CBFM are : institutional strengthening, acces to forest resources. Institutional readiness is a prerequisite for granting tenure of forest resources for communities. Devolution is a form appropriate partnerships in community forest management. Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM) merupakan salah satu bentuk pengelolaan hutan kemitraan dengan melibatkan masyarakat sekitar hutan. Program ini dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mengelola hutan secara lestari dan memakmurkan masyarakat di sekitarnya. Persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan PHBM beragam. Dari aspek ekonomi persepsi masyarakat positif karena PHBM dapat menambah penghasilan walaupun relatif kecil mengingat luas lahan yang digarap juga sempit sehingga belum mampu menyejahterakan rakyat. Dari aspek sosial PHBM berpengaruh positif bagi keamanan hutan, kebakaran dan pencurian hasil hutan menurun. Sedangkan dari aspek ekologis persepsi masyarakat negatif karena pilihan terhadap tanaman Acasia mangium berdampak pada semakin sulitnya mendapatkan sumber air di musim kemarau. Pelaksanaan PHBM hanya bisa dilaksanakan dengan baik jika ada partisipasi dari para pemangku kepentingan. Tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam PHBM pada tahap perencanaan, evaluasi dalam kategori rendah. Sedangkan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan PHBM dalam kategori cukup tinggi. Rendahnya tingkat pendidikan rakyat merupakan salah satu kendala keterlibatan masyarakat dalam tahap perencanaan dan evaluasi.