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Model kelembagaan pengelolaan hutan lindung: kasus pengelolaan hutan lindung gunung damar di Propinsi Gorontalo

dc.contributor.advisorBasuni, Sambas
dc.contributor.advisorIndrawan, Andry
dc.contributor.advisorSoekmadi, Rinekso
dc.contributor.authorDunggio, Iswan
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research is to formulate a model of institutional management of Gunung Damar Protected Forest (GDPF). This would be achieved by: 1) Measuring the performance of GDPF management; 2) Analyzing the ecological and social economics situation in GDPF; 3) Analyzing the formal regulations on protected forest management; 4). Assessing the stakeholder’s behavior in management and use of GDPF in the District of Gorontalo and the District of Bone Bolango. Some research methods employed include analysis of forest land cover change, quantitative description, content analysis, and stakeholder analysis. The study reveals that: 1) The land coverage of GDPF area in Gorontalo District has been reduced by 3361.21 ha or 46.98%, while in the Bone Bolango District by 2281.28 ha or 27.36%, meaning that the remaining forest cover of GDPF Gorontalo District is only about 33.93% Bone Bolango District is 67.76%; 2) The socio-economic and ecological situation in GDPF is a characteristic that causes a source of interdependence among individual, groups of people or organizations. The presence of settlements in the region GDPF accompanied by a sense of ownership of agricultural lands in the region GDPF Gorontalo District, the lack of information about the length of boundaries of GDPF, the weakness of law enforcement, the distances between residence and forest area have been the reasons for high exclusion costs, high transaction costs, joint impact goods, incompatibility, and surplus mainly in Gorontalo District; 3) there is no mechanism to devise sanctions and incentives in the process of assignment and establishment, forest area as well as of and management of the protected areas that could encourage the local governments to formulate programs to optimize the management and utilization of protected forests; 4) There are 18 stakeholders in Gorontalo District and 14 stakeholders in Bone Bolango District that have interest in the management of GDPF. There is mismatch between those organizations’ main tasks and the GDPF management activities, especially in the Gorontalo District. The research concludes: 1) the performance of GDPF management is better in Bone Bolango District than in Gorontalo District; 2) The socioeconomic and ecological situations in GDPF has created interdependence where the inherent characteristics associated with these situations are high exclusion costs, high transaction costs, joint impact of surplus goods and incompatibility that occurs especially in Gorontalo District. 3) There has not yet been any mechanism to devise sanctions and incentives that could encourage the local government to formulate programs to optimize the management and utilization of protected areas; 4) the government regulations are inadequate to control stakeholder behavior in the GDPF 5) Model of institution GDPF management can be formulate as follows; a) property rights: to strengthening tenure GDPF as state property, provide special rights to community that has been long settle in GDPF such as acces, withdrawal, management and exclusion, b) jurisdiction boundary; to complete boundary area in GDPF c) rule of representation; socialization function and benefit GDPF to all stakeholderen
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research is to formulate a model of institutional management of Gunung Damar Protected Forest (GDPF). This would be achieved by: 1) Measuring the performance of GDPF management; 2) Analyzing the ecological and social economics situation in GDPF; 3) Analyzing the formal regulations on protected forest management; 4). Assessing the stakeholder’s behavior in management and use of GDPF in the District of Gorontalo and the District of Bone Bolango. Some research methods employed include analysis of forest land cover change, quantitative description, content analysis, and stakeholder analysis. The study reveals that: 1) The land coverage of GDPF area in Gorontalo District has been reduced by 3361.21 ha or 46.98%, while in the Bone Bolango District by 2281.28 ha or 27.36%, meaning that the remaining forest cover of GDPF Gorontalo District is only about 33.93% Bone Bolango District is 67.76%; 2) The socio-economic and ecological situation in GDPF is a characteristic that causes a source of interdependence among individual, groups of people or organizations. The presence of settlements in the region GDPF accompanied by a sense of ownership of agricultural lands in the region GDPF Gorontalo District, the lack of information about the length of boundaries of GDPF, the weakness of law enforcement, the distances between residence and forest area have been the reasons for high exclusion costs, high transaction costs, joint impact goods, incompatibility, and surplus mainly in Gorontalo District; 3) there is no mechanism to devise sanctions and incentives in the process of assignment and establishment, forest area as well as of and management of the protected areas that could encourage the local governments to formulate programs to optimize the management and utilization of protected forests; 4) There are 18 stakeholders in Gorontalo District and 14 stakeholders in Bone Bolango District that have interest in the management of GDPF. There is mismatch between those organizations’ main tasks and the GDPF management activities, especially in the Gorontalo District. The research concludes: 1) the performance of GDPF management is better in Bone Bolango District than in Gorontalo District; 2) The socioeconomic and ecological situations in GDPF has created interdependence where the inherent characteristics associated with these situations are high exclusion costs, high transaction costs, joint impact of surplus goods and incompatibility that occurs especially in Gorontalo District. 3) There has not yet been any mechanism to devise sanctions and incentives that could encourage the local government to formulate programs to optimize the management and utilization of protected areas; 4) the government regulations are inadequate to control stakeholder behavior in the GDPF 5) Model of institution GDPF management can be formulate as follows; a) property rights: to strengthening tenure GDPF as state property, provide special rights to community that has been long settle in GDPF such as acces, withdrawal, management and exclusion, b) jurisdiction boundary; to complete boundary area in GDPF c) rule of representation; socialization function and benefit GDPF to all stakeholder
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectformal regulationen
dc.subjectmodel institutionen
dc.titleModel institution of protected forest managament: case management of gunung damar forest protected in Gorontalo Provinceen
dc.titleModel kelembagaan pengelolaan hutan lindung: kasus pengelolaan hutan lindung gunung damar di Propinsi Gorontalo

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