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dc.contributor.advisorSolahuddin, Soleh
dc.contributor.advisorF. G. Soeratmo
dc.contributor.advisorSMP. Tjondronegoro
dc.contributor.advisorSinukaban, Naik
dc.contributor.advisorMangkuprawira, Sjafri
dc.contributor.authorLadamay, Ilah
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this research are to analysize the biophysics and socio-economic technique management to encourage the creation of tie sustainable agricultural system. Beside that, the usage of this study could show the alternative’s way of biophysics (conservation) and socio-economic management, so it can create the sustainable agricultural system. This research was done in Southeast Sulawesi, Talumbinga village, Landono Kendari district. Generally most of agriculture’s form in this area is dry land agricultural or known as arable farming and there still done shifting cultivation. The approach of this research was done two ways, thre are the approach to the ecology or biophysics and the approach to the socio-economic. The results indicated that biophysically the local farm-hand of shifting cultivation has made the increase of land erotion, which could reach 130,9 ton per year or 10,91 mm. whereas the conservation technique biophysically and socio-economic are by the multiple cropping farm's pattern between beans and corn (maise). This pattern could decrease the accelerate of erotion until 75% or become round 23 ton per hectare per year or 1.97 mm per year. To research the prosperity grade of farmers based on UMR standard, so the pattern of multiple cropping between beans and corn (maise) have to be applied in mixed farm enterprises, that is the farmer have to take care of livestock, such as cows, and fruits plant like rambutan and durian. To achieve the income over the UMR standard, so farmer need to be undersurveilance for 3-5 years intensively. This is now the reason why farmer should move from dry- land farming to the new pattern mentioned above. The erosion level analysis is used to know growing pattern that gives erosion level under ETOL, while financial analysis which uses net present value, net B/C and IRR, is also used to know business feasibility of each growing pattern. The results of the research imply that the rate of erosion occur in advance of growing season for all growing pattern, but two to three weeks after growing, each pattern give different response. In many cases, growing pattern proceeded by intercropping of paddy and corn resulting in higher erosion rate in comparison with pattern which is proceeded by intercropping of cont and legumes. The total erosion occurred on pattern with intercropping of paddy and corn range between 88.521 ton to 130.926 ton/year, or between 6,88 mm/year to 10,91 mm/year. All is over tolerated erosion namely 5,2 mm/year.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectEnvironmental managementen
dc.subjectDry Land Agriculturalen
dc.subjectbiophysic and socio-economicen
dc.titleSustainable dry land agricultural managementen

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