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Fatty acids profile in milk cow’s fed containing mixed dry carboxylate salt or methyl ester

dc.contributor.advisorJachja, Jajat
dc.contributor.advisorDarusman, Latifah Kosim
dc.contributor.advisorWinugroho, M.
dc.contributor.authorTasse, Andi Murlina
dc.description.abstractDry carboxylate salt mixed (DCM) and dry methyl ester mixed (DMM) are product of fish oil processing. It’s a source of essential fatty acid as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, C20:5(n-3)) and DHA(docosahexaenoic acid, C22:6(n-3)) for lactating dairy cows. The aim of experiments were to evaluate: (1) the effect of the concentrate with DCM or DMM in ruminal fermentation, (2) the effect of the dietary with DCM or DMM on the profile of fatty acids in cows milk, and (3) the mechanism of incorporation fatty acids in cows milk . The ruminal fermentation experiment used concentrate’s 14% crude protein, and 64% total digestible nutrient with 0, 15, 30, 45, dan 60 g kg-1 DCM or DMM. The result of experiment showed concentrate with in consentrate with with 0, 15, 30, 45, dan 60 g kg-1 DCM or DMM can be used to the ruminant dietary. The effect of offered of dietary with DCM or DM on fatty acids profile in cows milk, and mechanism of incorporation of fatty acids experiment used concentrate with 45 gkg-1 DCM (DCM given at 1% of kg-1 DM of dietary) or 45 gkg-1 DMM (DMM given at 1% of kg-1 DM of dietary). The treatments were allotted in nine lactating dairy cows in mid lactation, and body weight 320-350 kg and daily milk yield 8-10 Ld-1 Keywords: dry carboxylate salt mixed (DCM), dry methyl ester mixed (DMM), fatty acid, cows milk. . Stearic acid (18:0), oleic acid (18:1), linoleic acid (18:2), and linoleic acid (18:3) in cows milk no increased after 3 weeks of treatment. The EPA’s and DHA’s concentrates can be absorpted by intestinal cells and circulated in blood plasma (0.010 and 0.003 fold, or 0.064 and 0.017 fold). So, blood plasma EPA’s and DHA’s were incorporated in dairy cows milk fat (0.484 and 1.604 fold or 0.005 and 0.019 fold). Nonessential fatty acids caprilic acid (8:0), capric acid (10:0), lauric acid (12:0), miristic acid (14:0), and palmitic acid (16:0) concentrations no descreased in cows milk. The dietary with DCM or DMM no changed the profile of fatty acids, except EPA (20:5) and DHA (22:6) in cow’s milk. The EPA’s and DHA’s in cows milk can be resulted by DCM’s and DMM’s concentrates in diet (219.0 ppm EPA and 4.5 ppm DHA or 143.8 ppm EPA and 4.1 ppm DHA). These results showed that DCM’s and DMM’s diets no changed profile and fatty acidsen
dc.description.abstract64%, K-15 = K-0 + 15 gkg-1 CGKK, K-30 = K-0 + 30 gkg-1 CGKK, K-45 = K-0 + 45 gkg-1 CGKK, dan K-60 = K-0 + 60 gkg-1 CGKK; M-0 = konsentrat dengan PK 14 % dan TDN 64 %, M-15 = M-0 + 15 gkg-1 CMEK, M-30 = M-0 + 30 gkg-1 CMEK, M-45 = M-0 + 45 gkg-1 CMEK, M-60 = M-0 + 60 gkg-1 CMEK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan 15 gkg-1, 30 gkg-1, 45 gkg-1, dan 60 gkg-1 Guna mengkaji mekanisme inkorporasi asam lemak dalam ransum dalam susu sapi melalui pemberian ransum dengan CGKK(RK-45), dan ransum dengan CMEK(RM-45), dilakukan uji in vivo pada 9 ekor sapi perah laktasi dalam periode pertengahan laktasi dan produksi susu harian 8-10 Lhr CGKK atau CMEK dapat digunakan untuk ransum ternak ruminansia seperti sapi perah. -1. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan lengkap dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Ransum perlakuan terdiri atas: RKM-0 = kulit jagung, ampas tahu dan konsentrat dengan kadar PK 14 % dan TDN 64%, H:K 80:20 RK-45 = RKM-0 +45 gkg -1 CGKK, dan RM-45 = RKM-0 + 45 gkg-1 CMEK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan EPA dan DHA dalam susu dapat dihasilkan oleh sapi dengan pemberian ransum dengan konsentrat mengandung CGKK(RK-45) atau CMEK(RM-45)(219,0 ppm EPA dan 4,5 ppm DHA atau 143,8 ppm EPA dan 4,1 ppm DHA). Seperti halnya asam lemak lainnya seperti asam stearat, asam oleat, asam linoleat, dan asam linolenat dalam susu dapat dihasilkan oleh sapi dengan pemberian ransum dengan CGKK atau CMEK. Konsentrasi asam lemak non essensial yang merupakan hasil sintesa asam lemak de novo seperti asam kaprilat, asam kaprat, asam laurat, asam miristat, dan asam palmitat juga dapat dihasilkan oleh sapi dengan pemberian ransum dengan CGKK(RK-45) atau CMEK(RM-45)(4867 ppm asam kaprilat, 6633 ppm asam kaprat, 9833 ppm asam laurat, 31700 ppm asam miristat, 97000 ppm asam palmitat, atau 4167 ppm asam kaprilat, 83000 ppm asam kaprat, 8367 ppm asam laurat, 30000 ppm asam miristat, 83000 ppm asam palmitat), tanpa menurunkan kadar lemak total (4,1% vs 4,3%, 4,4%) dalam susu sapi.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectdry carboxylate salt mixed (DCM)en
dc.subjectdry methyl ester mixed (DMM)en
dc.subjectfatty aciden
dc.subjectcows milken
dc.titleTampilan asam lemak dalam susu sapi hasil pemberian ransum mengandung campuran garam karboksilat atau metil ester keringen
dc.titleFatty acids profile in milk cow’s fed containing mixed dry carboxylate salt or methyl ester

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