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Improve nutrition quality of leucaena leaf meal with addition of sheep rumen liquor enzyme for nila tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) feed

dc.contributor.advisorHarris, Enang
dc.contributor.advisorMokoginta, Ing
dc.contributor.authorFitriliyani, Indira
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this experiment were; (1) to evaluate hydrolyze enzyme activity in exctract rumen liquor of sheep fed forage, (2) to improve the nutrient quality of leucaena leaf meal (LLM) by addition with sheep rumen liquor enzyme; (3) to evaluate the suitability of hydrolized LLM as alternative protein source for Nile tilapia. The first stage of experiment showed that the activity of enzyme hydrolyze in rumen fluid of sheep with forage feeding had the largest cellulase activity than amylase, protease, lipase and phytase activity. The second stage was designed in completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 3 replications with different level enzyme addition (0; 20; 40; 60; 80; and 100 ml/kg LLM) and incubated in 2 and 24 hours.. Results of the first experiment showed that nutrient quality of LLM with addition of sheep rumen liquor enzyme 100 ml/kg LLM, within incubated 24 hours have the best result than that of incubated 2 hours.The enzymes significantly (P<0.05) increased soluble glucose (2127,45%) soluble protein (3538,23%), decreased crude fiber (53,640%) and phytic acid (68,088%); but the enzyme did not affect crude lipid and crude protein content. The third stage experiments was conducted with two experimental diet. The first one contained hydrolyzed LLM at level 10% 15% 20% 25% and 30% ( Group I; Diet A, B, C, D and E respectively) and one diet acting as a control (Diet K, 0% LLM), the second experiments contained non-hydrolized LLM at the same level as the first ezperiment ( Group II; Diet F, G, H, I, J). All diets were isoenergy. A seven weeks feeding trial was carried out on triplicate groups of eight fish (9,38 ± 0,41) in aquarium with a recirculating system for group I and II. Fish were fed twice daily at satiation. Results showed that improvement of the quality of hydrolyzed LLM increased daily growth rate, feed efficiency, protein and fat retention. Similarly, the value of Hepato somatic indeks, glycogen content and enzyme activity of protease, amylase and cellulase in fish feeding hydrolyzed LLM were higher than that of non- hydrolyzed LLM. HIS and liver glycogen storage in fish with hydrolyzed LLM in diet increased with the increasing use of hydrolyzed LLM. Histological liver and intestine of tilapia using hydrolyzed LLM in the diet did not show significant differences with those of fish with feed without LLM. It is was concluded that enzymes from rumen liquer capable of increasing the nutritive quality of LLM. Application of hydrolyzed LLM up to 15% in the diet of tilapia show better performance compared with non-hydrolyzed LLMen
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectleucaena leaf meal (LLM)en
dc.subjectsheep rumen liquor enzymeen
dc.subjectNile Tilapiaen
dc.titlePeningkatan kualitas nutrisi tepung daun lamtoro dengan penambahan ekstrak enzim cairan rumen domba (Ovis aries) untuk bahan pakan ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus)en
dc.titleImprove nutrition quality of leucaena leaf meal with addition of sheep rumen liquor enzyme for nila tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) feed

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