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dc.contributor.authorAndreas Suhono, Andreas
dc.description.abstractInfrastrocture plays an important role in economic developmenJ, especially in developing COWltry such as Indonesia. Nevertheless, the development oj infrastructure Jor sustainable urban and regional development is still constrained by socio economic and environmental condition as well as oj lack oj integrated development modeL This dissertation attempts 10 develop policy model oj integrated infrastructure development toward the creation oj urban sustainability. The analysis was carried out using both quantitative and qualitative assessments. A FLAG approach which indicates the degree oj sustainability and linkages analysis between dimensions oj sustainability was used, where system dynamic approach (VENSlM) was used to determine the time path and behavior oj socioeconomic- environmental variables in relation with infrastructure development and-Multi Development Scaling with statistical method Jor rapid appraisal oj sustainabi!ity (MDSlSTFRA) was also needed to measure the integration oj infrastructure developmenJ and sustainability. Using the cluster city oj Kedungsepur (Kendal, Demak., Ungaran, Semarang and Purwodadi) as a case study, the result most likely predicted thtit this area is Jacing a critical environmental condition. The FlagIDASHBOARD results indicate that most oj these cities are wu:ler critical condition in terms oj sustainability. While the system dynamic (VENS/M) indicated that there is tremendous pressure oj .socioEconomic- Environmental variables in these cities. The resuh from MDSISTRF A indicated that integrated urban developmenJ and urban sustainability oj Kedungsepur are still WIder performance (below average). Therefore, it is important to develop an integrated policy model to promote integration oj urban infrastructure in this area and other cities in Indonesia. A policy model of urban Infrastructure is needed to adopt the way to enhance the community in heaving symmetric perception oj the urban problems and chollenges in order to create more participative decision making process in urban infrastructure development planning. The role of universities and research institutes are becoming more importance in handling the knowledge 11U111i1gement and as leverage Jactor in educating the comnninity 's perception. The Infrastructure deVelopment priority in this urban area which is so Jar more concentrated in supporting the improvement oj socio-economic growth need to be Jocused to the improvement· oj environmental condition as reflected in the local goverment's budget. The leverage Jactors oj integrated policy model as mentioned should Ix! considered in the strocture oj policy model of urban infrastructure development.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecturban infrastructureen
dc.titleModel Kebijakan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Terpadu dalam Pengembangan Wilayab Perkotaan Berkelanj uian;en

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