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Analysis of indonesian wood-based products trade and its impact on potential deforestation in several regions

dc.contributor.advisorGonarsyah, Isang
dc.contributor.advisorSuhendang, Endang
dc.contributor.advisorKartodihardjo, Hariadi
dc.contributor.authorAdi, Inna Sri Supina
dc.description.abstractThe low bargaining position of Indonesian wood-based product in international market tends to induce over-cutting forest trees. The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of Indonesian wood-based products trade on potential deforestation in several regions, a crucial issue for Indonesia entering free trade in 2012. Analysis is done by making use a model of simultaneous supply and demand equation system of logging, sawnwood, plywood, pulp sectors in 3umatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua regions, which then aggregated as total Indonesia, and recursively linked to potential deforestation process. Overall, Indonesian wood-based products trade during the study period (1978-2004) tends to increase, though regionally the wood-based products trade differs. Wood-based products trade tends to increase potential deforestation. Aggregate measure of potential deforestation is underestimated compared with regional measures. A serious effort is needed to :naintain sustainability of wood-based products trade, i.e. through a gradual decreasing of annual allowable cut, improving institution and market mechanism, more accurate planning and increasing communal participation in forest management.en
dc.description.abstractRendahnya posisi tawar produk berbasis kayu Indonesia di pasar internasional cenderung mendorong te~adinya penebangan hutan secara berlebihan. Tujuan ulama studi ini adalah menganalisis dampak perdagangan produk berbasis kayu Indonesia terhadap deforestasi potensial di beberapa wilayah, suatu isu krusial bagi Indonesia memasuki perdagangan bebas pada tahun 2012. Analisis merlggunakan model sistem persamaan simultan penawaran dan permintaan sektor pembalakan kayu bulat, industri kayu gergajian, kayu lapis dan pulp di wilayah Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Maluku-Papua, yang kemudian diagregasikan menjadi total Indonesia, dan dikaitkan secara rekursif dengan proses deforestasi potensial.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectwood based product tradeen
dc.subjectpotential deforestationen
dc.subjectlogging moratoriumen
dc.subjecttrade performanceen
dc.titleAnalisis perdagangan produk berbasis kayu indonesia dan dampaknya terhadap deforestasi potensial di beberapa wilayahen
dc.titleAnalysis of indonesian wood-based products trade and its impact on potential deforestation in several regions

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