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Kajian Spasial Kualitas Lingkungan Fisik Perumahan (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Bekasi)

dc.contributor.advisorSutjahjo, Surjono Hadi
dc.contributor.advisorWiradisastra, Uup Sjafei
dc.contributor.advisorArdiansyah, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorMartono, Dwi Nowo
dc.description.abstractIn general, analysis on housing environment quality still relies on statistic data and it does not involve spatial aspects. Spatial aspects do not obtain portion of main attention as the basis instruments to design, stipulate and apply guidelines on housing physical environment quality. Other side, relation between spatial characteristics, housing area types and housing physical environment quality which each other influencing. This research study role and influence of spasial aspect to assessing housing physical environment quality. On this research to assesment, it was used high spatial resolution remote sensing data, namely Ikonos as the basis of spatial data. Spatial analysis was used to obtain information on the housing spatial characteristic. While, the level of housing physical environment quality was evaluated based on the guidelines from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No.: 29NIIJl999 about the requirements for housing environment quality. The research objective are to (1) test capability on high spatial resolution remote sensing data (lkonos) as the basis spastial data of housing area, (2) analyze spatial characteri~1ic of housing area types, (3) analyze level of housing physical environment quality and (4) analyze model of estimation approach at level of housing physical environment quality based on spatial characteristics. The result of research showed that high spatial resolution remote sensing data having sufficient feasibility as the basis spatial data of housing area. Based on the spatial characteristic of housing type. in the research area can be grouped into six types namely type of luxurious, medium, moderate, natural housings with types swadaya 1, swadaya 2 and swadaya 3. Level of housing physical environment quality is classified into 3 classes namely poor housing physical environment quality (6%), sufficiently housing physical environment quality (53%) and good housing physical environment quality (41%). All areas of formal housing to have level of good physical . environment quality, while infonnal housing area for level of its physical environment quality varies. Based on the of multiple regression analysis, building density of formal housing having an significant effect on the housing physical environment quality while road network connectivity (index p) and average distance house towards road of informal housing type having an significant effect on the housing physical environment quality. Therefore, the application of spatial approach is expected to facilitate in determining priority scale to handle poor environment quality.en
dc.description.abstractKajiankualitas Iingkungan fisik perumahan sampai saat ini umumnya masih mengandalkan data statistik dan kurang melibatkan aspek spasial. Aspek spasial belum mendapat porsi perhatian utama sebagai variabel penting dan berpengaruh untuk menilai kualitas Iingkungan fisik perumahan. Disisi lain hubungan antara karakteristik spasial, kawasan perumahan dan kualitas lingkungan perumahan merupakan hubungan segitiga yang saling mempengaruhi satu dengan lainnya. Penelitian ini mengkaji peranan dan pengaruh aspek spasial terhadap tingkat kualitas lingkungan fisik perumahan. Data penginderaan jauh resolusi sangat tinggi Ikonos diterapkan untuk memperoleh data variabel spasial perumahan. Sedangkan tingkat kualitas lingkungan fisik perumahan dinilai berdasarkan modifikasi pedoman Departemen Kebaikan Republik Indonesia No: 29NIYI999 dan Dircktorat Cipta Karya Departemen PekeIjaan Umum tabun 1986 tentang pesyaratan Iingkungan perumahan
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjecthousing environmental physical qualityen
dc.subjectspatial characteristicen
dc.subjectremote sensing data with high spatial resolutionen
dc.subjectformal housingen
dc.subjectinformal housingen
dc.titleSpatial Study of Housing Physical Environment Quality, a case study of Bekasi Regencyen
dc.titleKajian Spasial Kualitas Lingkungan Fisik Perumahan (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Bekasi)

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