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Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengembangan Transmigrasi Lahan Kering Berkelanjutan.

dc.contributor.advisorMaarif, Mohamad Syamsul
dc.contributor.advisorSutjahjo, Surjono H.
dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Hermanto
dc.contributor.authorSoeka, Benar Darius Ginting
dc.description.abstractLack of land availability for the development of transmigration settlement, especially in crop dry-land farming transmigration has caused the environmental degradation. So far, the available land for this program is dominated by land with topographical class range from wavy (8 - 15%) up to undulating (> 40%). The uncarefulness planning, the low quality of land preparation, the low skill of transmigrant as well as the lack of institutional transmigration management, and the low participation of transmigration, has caused the environmental degradation, especially in the form of land degradation. One of the effort to increase land and environmental productivity could be done by empowered the transmigration system. The effort can be done by applying the land conservation methods. The purpose of this research is to analyze the system of dry-land farming transmigration which is supported by management model institution of management in sustainable dry-land farming system. Design of sustainable dry-land farming transmigration system is researched by the methods of soil survey, respondent survey, Deep Interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), discussion with the experts, i.e. the experts of soil survey, soil fertility, soil physics and system. The data are analyzed by using: 1) statistical methods; 2) Multi Dimension Scaling (MDS) model; 3) soil survey method; 4) the dynamic method of bio-physics as well as cultural, social and economics models. The validation is conducted by using the Average Variation Error (AVE) (Barlas, 1996). This research takes into account a case study in UPT Rantau Pandan SP 1 and SP 2, Bungo District, Jambi Province. The result of the study show that the biophysical condition in research locations are degraded, the transmigrant competency are still be low, their activity has not been focused yet in the on-farm activity, supporting facilities for education and health service has not fulfilled maximally, the transmigrant skill are still be low, there has not enough training, and counseling. The governmental service in the domain of supporting economic activities as well as institutional service has not been functioned optimally. From this research, the strategic policy recommended for the Sustainable Dry-land Transmigrations Empowerment System (SIPEMTRANSLKB) has been concluded. They are: 1) policy of increasing the transmigrant skill through technical counseling; 2) policy in development of pre-eminent commodity according to their specific location and 3) institutional development policy.en
dc.description.abstractKeterbatasan ketersediaan lahan untuk pembangunan permukiman transmigrasi lahan kering dengan pola usaha pokok tanaman pangan telah menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan. Lahan yang tersedia umumnya didominasi lahan dengan topografi berombak (8 - 15%) sampai dengan terjal (>40%). Aspek perencanaan yang kurang cermat, kualitas penyiapan lahan yang rendah, keterampilan transmigran dan pembina yang kurang kompeten, kelembagaan pembinaan UPT yang lemah dan partisipasi masyarakat transmigrasi yang rendah, telah menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan berupa degradasi lahan. Salah satu upaya untuk mengembalikan produktivitas lahan dan menjaga kelestarian lingkungan adalah melalui pemberdayaan transmigrasi, yakni pengembangan pertanian dengan memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah konservasi lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis keperluan pengembangan pemberdayaan transmigrasi lahan kering yang didukung oleh model kelembagaan pengelolaan lahan kering berkelanjutan.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectDynamic Modelingen
dc.subjectAgriculture bases on land conservationen
dc.titleDesign of Sustainable Dry-land Transmigration Development System.en
dc.titleRancang Bangun Sistem Pengembangan Transmigrasi Lahan Kering Berkelanjutan.

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