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Impact of economic growth and poverty on environmental degradation in West Java Province

dc.contributor.advisorSanim, Bunasor
dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Hermanto
dc.contributor.advisorHutagaol, Parulian
dc.contributor.authorDariah, Atih Rohaeti
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of research is to analyze impact of economic growth and poverty on environmental degradation, evaluate existence and implementation of environmental policies of critical land, water and air pollution, analyze impact of environmental degradation on sustainable development achievement, simulate of sustainable development policies for West Java Propince in 2007-2010. This rersearch would be approached by econometric model consist of twenty equations with simulation technique. In addition, field survey to elaborate perception and attitude to environment of related firm and household. Model incorporated economic growth, poverty, environmental awarness and policies. The results indicated that there are different behaviour among critical land, water and air pollution in which relationship with economic growth, poverty and property rights. Private critical land more responsive to inequality income and poverty due to the high of population growth and unemployment. In the other hand water and air pollution more responsive to economic growth as well as industrialization process. There is well defined property rights in critical private land case., only in critical state land less enforceability. But, is not well defined property rights in air and water. Effectiveness rehabilitation of land critical policies depend on social welfare. While regulation ofliquid waste and emission standard tend did not obey because of increased cost of waste treatment, assimilation capacity, no sancsion, no opportunities to reduce air dan water pollution together. Based on historical simulation proved that increased of environmental degradation had decreased economic growth and increased poverty. Critical land per capita had bigger bad effect to economy than air and water pollution. Based on forcast simulation indicate that sustainable development policies are services bias economic growth pattern, equalization of income distribution, decrease of population growth and increase awareness of environmentalen
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan uotuk menganalisis dampak dari pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemiskinan terhadap degradasi lingkungan, mengevaluasi keberadaan dan implementasi kebijakan pengendalian laban kritis, pencemaran air dan pencemaran udara, menganalisis dampak dari degradasi lingkungan terhadap kemiskinan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi., melakukan simulasi ramalan kebijakan pembangunan berkelanjutan di Jaw. Barat tabun 2007-2010. Untuk menemukan jawaban dari tujuan penelitian in~ dibangun model makroekonomi lingkungan yang terdiri dari 12 persamaan stroktural dan 8 identitas, dilakukan survei untuk infonnasi tentang eksistensi hak. kepemilikan, per.epsi dan sikap pengusaha serta rumabtangga terbadap kebijakan lingkungan.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectEconomic Growthen
dc.subjectProperty Rightsen
dc.subjectEnvironmental Degradationen
dc.titleDampak pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemiskinan terhadap degradasi lingkungan di jawa baraten
dc.titleImpact of economic growth and poverty on environmental degradation in West Java Province

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