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Mode l of beef cattle production system based on local resources in Sumeda ng West Java

dc.contributor.advisorFuah, Asnath Maria
dc.contributor.advisorGurnadi, R. Eddie
dc.contributor.advisorMudikdjo, Kooswardhono
dc.contributor.authorWiyatna, Muhamad Fatah
dc.description.abstractThere are strategic national issue to develop beef cattle prod uction in Indo nesia. Sumedang is one of the region in West Java which is quite potential for cattle development and supported by Government policy. However, the implementation of beef cattle programs and activities were not succeeded due to several constraints including: (a) support and coordination from government was not optimal; (b) limited feed supp ly during dry seasons, (c) low input and management of livestock production. The study was carried out for 12 month from May, 2008 to April, 2009, with the main aims were to identify and analyzed the potency of local natural resources, including human resources and livestock production system. Based on the data obtained, SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threats) analysis was made in order to formulate the alternative solutions and strategies for a sustainable cattle development. To assess the efficiency of this production system model, a simple economic analysis was made using all the necessary economic variables to produce a mathematic model. The results of the study indicated that three (3) districts including Buahdua, Wado, and Congeang were very potencial for beef cattle development with the effective values of 7 989.20 AU, 6 221.9 AU, and 5 904.0 AU respectively, although those regions were conside red for conservation by loc al government. There were two (2) districts i.e. Ujungjaya with carrying capacity of 3 738.26 AU and Cisitu with carrying capacity of 4 645.70 AU were chosen for this study. Beef cattle were raised in two (2) different ways, i.e., grazing system in Ujungjaya, while housing system were applied by farmers in Cisitu. Each region had specific production characteristics as described be low: (a) for grazing system, the calf crop was relatively low as reported as 25%, calving interval 17.76 months and mortality was 5.0%. Inbreeding become potential prob lems in this system, since sex ratio was too low (1 : 25). On the other hands, for housing system, the reprod uctive characteristics were slightly different from the grazing system, such as: calf crop, 30%, calving interval,16.98 moths, and the mortality rate was 4.0%. The contribution of each variables had significantly influences the beef cattle population in the region. From economic point of view, the values of B/C ratio for each production pattern was 2.42 and 1.31 for grazing and housing system respectively, of which efficient and feasible to be considered for cattle development in Sumedang.en
dc.description.abstractKebijakan pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat yang juga dikaitkan dengan pelaksanaan otonomi daerah adalah mengembangkan daerah-daerah berpotensi sebagai sentra produksi sapi potong. Beberapa daerah yang berpotensi dengan prosentase populasi sapi potong dari urutan tertinggi adalah Kabupaten Ciamis (11.33%), Tasikmalaya (10.24%), Sumedang (9.06%), Cianjur (8.93%), Subang (6.46%), da n Purwakarta (6.38%) (Dinas Peternakan Jawa Barat 2010). Kabupaten Sumeda ng ada lah salah satu daerah yang sangat potensial untuk dijadikan sentra pengembangan sapi potong di Jawa Barat. Populasi sapi potong pada tahun 2010 sebesar 32 577 ekor yang terdiri dari 11 618 ekor jantan dan 20 959 ekor betina dan tersebar pada sekitar 14 125 rumah tangga peternak (RTP). Beberapa permasalahan mendasar yang menentukan perkembangan sapi potong di Kabupaten Sumedang, antara lain (a) program pengembangan sapi potong oleh pemerintah belum berhasil optimal, (b) peternak mengalami kesulitan dalam penyediaan pakan ternak sapi terutama pada saat musim kemarau, (c) manajemen budidaya ternak masih tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan (a) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis potensi sumberdaya alam dan sumber daya manusia dalam pengembangan sapi potong, (b) mempe lajari sistem prod uks i berdasarkan pola pemeliharaan, (c) analisis strenght, weakness, opportunity, threats (SWOT) digunakan untuk merumuskan solusi alternatif pemecahan masalah, membuat proyeksi pengembangan, dan menganalisis efisiensi usaha sapi potong. Penelitian ini dilaksanaka n di Kabupaten Sumedang Jawa Barat selama 12 bulan dari bulan Mei 2008 sampai April 2009.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectSumedang regionen
dc.titleModel usaha sapi potong berbasis sumber daya lokal di kabupaten Sumedang Jawa Baratid
dc.titleMode l of beef cattle production system based on local resources in Sumeda ng West Javaen

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