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Minangkabau traditional authority and government bureaucracy: elite contestation in Budgeting Planning and Budgeting APBD In Rural Agriculture Sector, District Agam, West Sumatera

dc.contributor.advisorSoetarto, Endriatmo
dc.contributor.advisorPandjaitan, Nurmala K.
dc.contributor.advisorTjondronegoro, Sediono M.P.
dc.contributor.authorAlfiandi, Bob
dc.description.abstractTendency of low agricultural budgeting occurs also in Agam regency, where the people are mostly peasants and still live under the legitimacy of Minangkabau Traditional Authority. This is quite odd since in this era of regional autonomy where the regional heads and DPRD who have the rule to plan the budget is elected by the people who are actually peasants. At the same time, the System Planning and National Development under the regulation No.25/2004 as well as under the State Finance Law No.17/2003 require public participation in budget planning and budgeting. The research question is how the role of Minangkabau Traditional Authority and contestation with local governances bureaucracy in the process of budget planning and budgeting in Kab.Agam This study is based on a constructivist research paradigm with a qualitative approach. The method used is the historical sociology and semiotics, hermeneutics. The data were collected through a literature study, participant observation and in-depth interviews. The results of this research indicate that planning and setting of regional revenue and expenditure budgets (APBD) is an arena for contestation between Minangkabau Traditional Authority and Local Government Bureaucracy. This happened since Minangkabau Traditional Authority has chosen its elements to be the members of parliament who then assigned the role to fight for budget allocations for Jorong and Nagari where they come from and were elected. This phenomenon could also lead bureaucrats to have a particular concern that emerged from the functions of government bureaucracy.This study concluded, on one hand, Minangkabau Traditional Authority still has an ultimate power in the regency that might cause Local Government Bureaucracy getting “out of function” due to the benefit of the bureaucrats (especially DPRD) in planning APBD. However, on the other hand, Local Governances Bureaucracy carries out the functions of the budget-disbursed agriculture and rural to its people.en
dc.description.abstractGejala rendahnya anggaran pertanian, terjadi di Kabupaten Agam, dimana masyarakatnya sebahagian besar adalah petani serta masih pekat hidup dalam legitimasi Otoritas Tradisional Minangkabau (OTM). Hal ini cukup ganjil, mengingat pada era otonomi daerah ini, Kepala Daerah dan DPRD yang merupakan elite Birokrasi Pemerintahan (BP) dan yang memiliki otoritas melaksanakan perencanaan serta penganggaran APBD, dipilih langsung oleh rakyat yang justru sebahagian besar adalah petani. Dalam era ini pula, terdapat UU No.25/2004 tentang Sistem Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional, serta UU No.17/2003 tentang Keuangan Negara yang mengharuskan partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan dan penganggaran APBD. Pertanyaan penelitiannya kemudian adalah bagaimana peranan dan kontestasi antara Otoritas Tradisional Minangkabau (OTM) dengan Birokrasi Pemerintahan (BP) dalam proses perencanaan dan penganggaran APBD di Kab.Agam? Hipotesis yang memandu penelitian ini adalah, jika Birokrasi Pemerintahan pola Weberian diterapkan dalam konteks otoritas tradisional yang masih kuat, maka akan terjadi kontestasi antara elite yang menyebabkan Birokrasi Pemerintahan pola Weberian tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Paradigma penelitian ini adalah konstruktivis, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosiologi sejarah dan semiotik-hermeneutik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi pustaka, observasi terlibat (participant observation) dan wawancara mendalam.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectMinangkabau Traditional Authorityen
dc.subjectGovernment Bureaucracyen
dc.subjectBudget Planning and Budgeting APBDen
dc.titleOtoritas tradisional minangkabau dan birokrasi pemerintahan : kontestasi elite dalam perencanaan dan penganggaran apbd sektor pertanian-pedesaan di Kab. Agam, Sumatera Baratid
dc.titleMinangkabau traditional authority and government bureaucracy: elite contestation in Budgeting Planning and Budgeting APBD In Rural Agriculture Sector, District Agam, West Sumateraen

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