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Effect of prices and infrastructure on output supply, input demand and competitiveness of corn farming in East Java and West Java

dc.contributor.advisorHartoyo, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorOka A, Made
dc.contributor.authorAgustian, Adang
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the elasticity of output supply and input demand; to determine the effect of changes in prices (output and input), research and development expenditures, and road infrastructure on output supply and input demand of corn; and to determine the competitiveness of corn in East Java and West Java. The data analyzed are those of costs structure of corn farming in the Province of East Java and West Java during 1985-2009. The data are taken from: Central Bureau Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Service Agencies for Food Crops in West Java and East Java. Estimation model employed is the method of Seemingly Unrelated Regression. Key words: input demand, output supply, competitiveness, corn The results of the analyses show that: (1) output supply of corn in both Province of East Java and West Java are elastic to its price changes, however it is inelastic to the price changes of seed, urea, TSP and labor, (2) demand for all inputs is inelastic to its price changes, and elastic to changes in output prices in East Java and West Java, (3) corn research expenditures have positive influences to the supply of corn in East Java and West Java, which are inelastic, and the same effects also occur to infrastructure which are positive and significant to corn supply and elastic in nature, (4) there is a phenomenon that if an increase in corn price will raise the amount of corn supply in the two provinces, and rising fertilizer prices that causes a decrease in demand for seed, fertilizer and labor, (5) bias of technological change is neutral, and (6) corn farming in East Java and West Java have comparative and competitive advantages, which are indicated by the DRC and PCR values that are less than one. Policy implications of these research are that raising corn supply can be achieved through increasing its price, expenditures of corn research, and road infrastructure in the two provinces of the study. Stability and increase the price of corn can be carried out by the provincial government willingness and commitment to buy and absorb the excess production of corn during the harvest time. Meanwhile the policy to increase competitiveness of corn can be achieved through omiting or reducing market distortion of input and output, increasing effectiveness of applied research program on farming technology innovation, providing facilities to increase accesibility of farmers especially at the production center to input and output market, facilitating capital credit for small scale corn farming, and increasing farmers income through post harvest handling and processing to develop added value of corn.en
dc.description.abstractProduksi jagung nasional menunjukan peningkatan dalam periode sepuluh tahun terakhir, namun demikian impor jagung juga masih mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini berarti bahwa peningkatan produksi jagung nasional masih belum mampu mengimbangi peningkatan kebutuhannya. Upaya peningkatkan produksi jagung saat ini dilakukan melalui peningkatan produktivitas, perluasan areal tanam, subsidi input terutama pupuk, pemberdayaan kelembagaan pertanian dan dukungan infrastruktur seperti: pasar, infrastruktur jalan, riset dan pengembangan dan permodalan. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas jagung, dilakukan penyebarluasan benih unggul dan peningkatan teknologi budidaya, dan riset pengembangan usahatani jagung. Permasalahannya adalah sejauhmana kebijakan harga dan pengembangan tersebut berpengaruh terhadap penawaran jagung dan permintaan input usahatani jagung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan elastisitas permintaan input dan penawaran output komoditas jagung, menentukan pengaruh perubahan harga output dan input, perubahan pengeluaran riset dan pengembangan jagung, perubahan infrastruktur jalan terhadap penawaran dan permintaan input jagung, dan menentukan daya saing jagung di Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Jawa Barat.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectinput demanden
dc.subjectoutput supplyen
dc.titlePengaruh harga dan infrastruktur terhadap penawaran output, permintaan input, dan daya saing usahatani jagung di Jawa Timur dan Jawa Baraten
dc.titleEffect of prices and infrastructure on output supply, input demand and competitiveness of corn farming in East Java and West Java

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