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Sistem pengorganisasian pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Indonesia

dc.contributor.advisorAlikodra, Hadi S.
dc.contributor.advisorSaharjo, Bambang H.
dc.contributor.advisorKardono, Priyadi
dc.contributor.authorSukrismanto, Erly
dc.description.abstractForest/land fire control in Indonesia has still been managed under an unclear organizing system connecting national, provincial and local level. This study aims at designing a conceptual model of organizing system of forest and land fire control. The model considers the fire situation, the positions and roles of currently involved organizations, the relationships among those organizations, and the effectiveness of key organizations. This study employes some methods of analysis including: ISM for the position and role of organizations, descriptive for analyzing the organizations’ profile, adaptation of Bolland and Wilson’s procedur for organizational relationships, and AHP for the organizational effectiveness. The research was held in Jakarta, Riau and West Kalimantan in mid 2009 until mid 2010. The analysis of fire situation realizes that the use of hotspot as an indicator of forest/land fire is supported. It also recognizes that in the last ten years, the number of hotspots tends to incline by 39,36% per year for the whole country, 47,15% for Riau and 111,71% for West Kalimantan. The study reveals that among the organizations involved in forest/land fire control, those managing forestry, agriculture, the environment and disaster take key position and roles in either one or more fields of fire control including prevention, suppression, and post-fire treatment. These organizations are then taken into consideration to play the main roles in the proposed organizing system. Ineffectual coordination among the observed organizations both within the same and between levels is also exposed. Most of the key organizations at national and provincial levels are categorized effective, although they are at low level effectiveness. While at district level, almost all key organizations are still ineffective. The study proposes a conceptual model of organizing system, integrating the forest/land fire control responsibility under the forestry agency at national, provincial and district levels. As the decentralization and autonomy policies require, the relationships among these forest/land fire control organizations between levels are in the form of coordination rather than commando. The implementation of proposed organizing system requires some conditions including: proper understanding on the principles of decentralization and autonomy and a strong legal foundation and commitment for establishing and developing the system. Meanwhile, upon its establishment, the system needs to determine clear visions and objectives, develop its capacities, enhance its interorganizational relationships, and provide any appropriate funding schemes in order to smoothly run in managing the forest/land fire controlen
dc.description.abstractKebakaran hutan dan lahan di Indonesia masih dikelola dengan sistem pengorganisasian yang belum jelas, baik pada satu tingkatan maupun antar tingkatan nasional, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan pokok untuk merancang sistem pengorganisasian pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Indonesia, melalui analisis terhadap situasi kebakaran, posisi dan peranan organisasi, hubungan antar organisasi, dan efektivitas organisasi-organisasi di tingkatan-tingkatan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan perangkat analisis yaitu interpretive structural modeling (ISM) untuk posisi dan peranan organisasi, metode deskriptif untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman terhadap peranan dan hubungan antar organisasi, coordination network analysis yang diadaptasi dari Bolland dan Wilson (1994) untuk mengetahui pola hubungan antar organisasi, serta analytical hierarchy process (AHP) untuk menentukan tingkat kepentingan dan bobot dari komponen-komponen pengukuran efektivitas organisasi. Data penelitian meliputi data sekunder berupa profil organisasi dan berbagai dokumen yang menggambarkan situasi dan kondisi organisasi dan lokasi penelitian. Data primer diperoleh dengan angket penelitian yang disebarkan kepada responden yang diambil secara purposive sampling dan simple random sampling. Lokasi penelitian dipilih Jakarta dan sekitarnya untuk tingkat nasional, Riau dan Kalimantan Barat untuk tingkat provinsi, dan empat lokasi untuk tingkat kabupaten/kota yaitu Kota Dumai, Kabupaten Inderagiri Hulu, Kabupaten Kubu Raya, dan kabupaten Ketapangid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleOrganizing system of forest and land fire control organization in Indonesiaen
dc.titleSistem pengorganisasian pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Indonesiaid aat atnah hotspot coordination forestry disaster capacity Forest/land fire control Indonesia district level
dc.subject.keywordForest/land fire control
dc.subject.keyworddistrict level
dc.subject.keywordinterpretive structural modeling

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