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Unit pengelolaan hutan rakyat lestari skala kecil: kasus di Kecamatan Cikalong, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat

dc.contributor.advisorJaya, I Nengah Surati
dc.contributor.advisorKartodiharjo, Hariadi
dc.contributor.advisorSundawati, Leti
dc.contributor.authorKarminarsih, Emi
dc.description.abstractDevelopment of small scale forest management units is now becoming a promising business unit to reduce the imbalance between of supply and demand of raw timber industry. The timber production from big companies is decreasing year by year. This study describes a development of small scale management unit of private forest that may produce timber sustainably as well as economically managable. The objective of this study is to determine how wide the smallest scale of a sustainable forest management unit (Small scale sustainable farm forest management unit) were able to contribute to social economic benefits of rural communities.The study was carried out in District Cikalong, Tasikmalaya Regence, West Java Province. Simple random sampling method and simple statistical analysis were used to estimate the standing stock of sengon farm private forests (volume and tree) and non parametric statistical analysis were use to know how the correlation between forest farmer’s motivation with sustained functions of farm forest management.The result shows that the annual yield fluctuatin of three sample districts relatively can be reached after five years and the yield regulation method based on increament and standing stock is suitable to be implementated on the yield regulaton of farm forest. This is due to its simplicity and practically implementable, even though the farmer have no much knowledge on yield regulation, The various of the scale area were depended on the how each farm forest be managed to qualify financially that showed the NPV-value more than one (NPV > 1). Small scale forest of Cikalong district shows that the minimal scale of unit farm forest management Cikalong district based on dusun is 27,02 ha in Dusun Cikalong (Cikalong village), 10,37 ha in Dusun (Tonjongsari village) and 62,82 ha in Dusun (Singkir village). On the otherhand the management of public forest would able to work properly when have formed organizations forest farmer groups led by the forest manager small scale unit (one or two villages) that similar to a forest farmer cooperation, a rule as well as an institution that work effectively to support develovepment community forest. All of the forest management activities were related to the farmer motivation in understanding the purpose of sustainable forest management. The motivation could be explained by four of twelve of the farmer characteristik factors. The result shows that farm forest have no much knowledge on the principles of sustained forest management benefit.en
dc.description.abstractSejak bergesernya arah pembangunan kehutanan untuk mengimbangi situasi global, pemerintah dalam hal ini Departemen Kehutanan telah mengambil strategi dan kebijakan jangka panjang dalam membangun dan mengelola sumberdaya hutan, yaitu dari arah membangun hutan untuk kelestarian produksi menuju ke arah membangun kelestarian hutan dan ekosistem (aspek biodiversity, aspek ekologi dan aspek sosial), termasuk diantaranya pergeseran terhadap fungsi dan peran hutan di tanah milik yaitu hutan rakyat. Sistem pengelolaan hutan rakyat yang selama ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan konsep pengelolaan yang bersifat tradisional dengan pengetahuan cara bertani merupakan warisan budaya dari nenek moyang, peran usahanya mulai diarahkan kepada sistem pengelolaan selain untuk upaya penyediaan bahan baku industri juga untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara berkelanjutan, yaitu sejahtera secara ekonomi, ekologi, dan sosial. Seiring kondisi menurunnya bahan baku kayu untuk industri perkayuan secara nasional akhir-akhir ini sebagai akibat deforestasi, mengakibatkan adanya ketidakseimbangan antara suplai dan permintaan kayu sebagai bahan baku industri. Kondisi tersebut dan terbukanya kesempatan masyarakat utuk telibat dalam pengelolaan hutan, memberi peluang pembangunan hutan rakyat naik pesat. Dengan modal yang dimilikinya mereka berlomba untuk menanami lahan miliknya dengan tanaman jenis kayu-kayuan. Permasalahannya apakah kegiatan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan hutan rakyat tersebut sudah menerapkan tiga fungsi dasar pengelolaan hutan lestari, yaitu fungsi ekonomi, ekologi, dan sosial sedangkan keberlanjutan hutan rakyat mempunyai peranan sangat penting bagi stabilitas sosial ekonomi masyarakat maupun stabilitas ekosistem (banjir, erosi, dan iklim mikro).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectsustainable managementen
dc.subjectsmall scale unit, farm foresten
dc.titleSustained small scale unit farm forest management in Cikalong District, Tasikmalaya Recidence, West Java Provinceen
dc.titleUnit pengelolaan hutan rakyat lestari skala kecil: kasus di Kecamatan Cikalong, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Baratid aat atnah sustainable management small scale unit farm forest Forest Management Cikalong Tasikmalaya West Java
dc.subject.keywordsustainable management
dc.subject.keywordsmall scale unit
dc.subject.keywordfarm forest
dc.subject.keywordForest Management
dc.subject.keywordWest Java

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